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Affordable Natural Home Remedies for Your Medicine Chest

Millions of people are suffering emotionally and physically for reasons unknown to them on a daily basis. Many underwent conventional and unconventional treatments, which didn't bring long lasting results. Some are able to cope with their emotional and physical pain; others are completely disabled by it. 

If you have tried everything to ease your emotional or physical pain, and haven't found a solution, we invite to learn about Medical Intuitive Healer Omar Botha's astonishing work. Omar’s unique ability is that she is able to diagnose and cleanse people of negative energy - spirit attachments.

Each one of us made this journey into a physical body for the purpose of expanding our consciousness and pushing the “limits” of the physical.

The first step is by letting go of your attachment to what other people might think ?

You also might have to let go of attachments to limiting belief systems, or religious teachings.

My sign post is this, as long as a thought process or belief system serves me, I use it. When it no longer fits or resonates to me. That is the time to bless it and let it go.

I do realize the magnitude of giving up something you have invested your life in believing. It is a part of us breaking our own “glass ceiling” of what is possible. It will happen time and time again.

Just when you think you have something figured out, something else will come along and dispel all of your perfectly laid out ideas.

When this happens, sometimes it causes a dark night of the soul or ego as the case may be.

Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual Counseling gives you an in depth understanding of your situation and personal relationships…

Spiritual Healing
Spiritual Healing restores your sense of well-being by improving emotional-mental and physical conditions…


What is distance healing?

You can’t see your mother’s love but you can feel it. You feel it when you go through hard times and you know she wishes you well, even when she is not physically present. This love, which is energy, helps you overcome your difficulties. Distance or remote healings work in a similar manner using intention and positive, coherent energy.

What is distance healing

Dr. Emoto proved this theory when he examined ice crystals that were sent specific words or intentions. He examined the crystals after the thoughts or words were directed to the water. The water was then frozen and analysed under a microscope. This revealed patterns and shapes that had formed from the specific vibrations.

The positive thoughts and words created beautiful, unified patterns. Negative thoughts and words formed disruptive and chaotic patterns in the crystals. See Love H2O

Your Body is Made of Atoms

Your body is made up of atoms and one percent of every atom is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The other 99% is empty space which is referred to as “wave.” Your atoms are consistently releasing and absorbing light and energy.

Every cell is like a tiny battery. The atoms line up to create a negative and a positive voltage, inside and outside. Each of these 50 trillion cells in your body creates 1.4 volts of energy. This amounts to 700 trillion volts of electricity in your body.

Each atom has its own distinct frequency or vibration and when two atomic waves meet, they either meet in sync, creating a constructive or harmonious effect, or they meet out of sync, creating an adverse effect in which they cancel out each other. This is why you can feel in sync with some people or completely out of sync.

Why Distance/Distant or Remote Healings Work

Distance or remote healings use energy that can take place across any distance that is sent to a recipient since energy can be sent via thought, emotion, and intention. The healing energy directed has intentions to heal so it will positively affect the recipient. The distance can be small or vast. Stretching beyond the limits of time and space, distance healing sends energy healing to reach you no matter where you are. Distance healing comes in many forms but what they have in common is their ability to be completed over any distance.

Psychic and Energy Healers

A psychic healer is a person who has learned to locate your blockages and energy disruptions and remove them. Psychic healers use psychic, intuitive abilities to locate, analyse, and treat not only the person but their energy field. Psychic healers will focus on spiritual healings which addresses everything in the esoteric world of energy healing.

Healing Consultations with Medical Intuitive Healer Omar Botha

    • 15 min. Consultations R500
    • 30 min. Consultations R1000
    • 60 min. Healing session R2000
    • International sessions available ($120)

Healing Treatments via WhatsApp & Messnger

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