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Amazing sex may seem like an unlikely benefit of meditation, but let's just say that mindfulness may do much more for you than Viagra in the bedroom.

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hqdefaultEstrogens are hormones that are important for sexual and reproductive development, mainly in women. They are also referred to as female sex hormones. The term "estrogen" refers to all of the chemically similar hormones in this group, which are estrone, estadiol and estriol...

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coconutNearly everyone has experienced the unpleasant sensation of feeling overly full or having an upset stomach at bedtime. This is particularly a possibility if the evening meal has been heavy or rich in nature. This poor bedtime digestion can lead to a number of problems, including reflux, heartburn or interrupted sleep...

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organic-kale 1.jpgsmallBotanical name: Borecole
Thriving even in frost, kale is an easy-to-grow green that keeps on giving: cut the smaller, paler green leaves to anchor or mix into fresh garden salad; use the larger, dark greens for stir-fries, pizza topping, or soup, while the plant keeps right on growing....