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It’s simple. You drink that, you change. You smell that, you change. You’re in the presence of that, you change. It’s super-quick! And can be maintained on an
ongoing basis. But there’s another category of plants - tonic herbs - which are not so much about the aerie parts of the plant, or the actual aromatics.
Think about a rose - you aren’t going to bypass the bloom and smell the roots, right? No, you’re going to put your nose deep into that bloom. Or mint, you’re not
going to pull it out by the root, you’re going to pluck the fragrant leaves and flowers.

But when it comes to more tonifying herbs, we are typically going to be looking at the roots, berries, or bark. These are the deeper-acting parts of the plants.
Note: Neither aromatic or tonifying herbs work specifically on only one part of the body. Many of them work for mood or nervous system, or even to stimulate or promote calming. They may help with your sleep, digestive system, your endocrine system, skin and lungs. Each one has its own particular specialties. They are as complex as we are. They are a universe like we are. Now, the tonifying herbs, the tonic herbs that are berries, barks, or roots. These are the deep things in the plants, and they work at the deepest levels of our body. One name for these types of plants is adaptogens.

Adaptogens are different plants and mushrooms that help your body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue, and more. They can be used by adding them to foods and beverages, or even taking them as tinctures. They help bring your body back to a balanced state by managing both physical and mental stressors.

One powerful tonifying herb is Korean ginseng, Schisandra, which is a Chinese medicine - a berry. There is an entire study on the radioprotective properties of Schisandra. (Schisandra is called Five Flavor because it has all the different flavors within it—salty, sour, bitter, sweet, and umami, all in one.) Holy basil, is also an adaptogenic herb. It’s a tonic herb even though we take the aerial parts. And tulsi is extraordinarily special because it’s an Ayurvedic herb. Another powerful adaptogen which is actually a fungus—Reishi mushroom. Medicinal mushrooms, or more accurately, all mushrooms, have incredible properties. The Reishi mushroom happens to also have tonifying properties as well. And what I think you’ll find exciting in this category of tonifying, adaptogenic herbs, is that they go all the way down and impact you at the level of your DNA. And they also work at the mitochondrial level.

Often times adaptogens are used for stamina. Many of them are really great for helping with fatigue, and evenfibromyalgia. I guess you could say that they are beautiful recovery herbs, but part of that is because they are working at the level of DNA . As you know, we all have our own unique DNA, and it’s considerably stable from generation to generation. Sometimes it does ebb and flow a bit, you can have mutations, especially when you are exposed to different kinds of radiation. But for the most part, it stays stable. What does change is how it’s labeled, which, in turn, determines how it’s read. In case you didn’t know, there are different types of labels based on your nutrition, your exposure, and your life experiences that determine variation within how your DNA is read. And it’s being read every single day, over and over again. It’s not just a one-time read at the beginning of your life. It’s happening constantly, to replenish and regenerate.

When it comes to tonic herbs like Schisandra, ginseng, ashwagandha, Reishi, bacopa (another Ayurvedic herb that is astounding for cognition, and anyone with ADD, dementia, learning disabilities, etc.), remember, they don’t just work in one place. They’re working at the level of your mitochondria and at the level of epigenetics (characteristics of genetics that are impacted by outside influencers - turning certain genes on - or off). For bacopa, for example, that would be used for someone who’s struggling or just simply wants more cognitive enhancement. It’s very calming and helps you sleep. That’s it's star power. Whereas with ginseng, you could use this if you are running a cold, or have cold hands and feet. Or you get a lot of colds and upper respiratory infections during the winter months, and maybe have low vitality and feel a lot of sluggishness or fatigue, or maybe have libido issues.

So each herb has its own unique star power, if you will. And can contribute to your well being on deeper and deeper levels, to help you reverse and recover from damage you may have already gone through. Let’s be honest, we are constantly going through exposures. Making it all that much more important that we get ourselves things that are nourishing. I’m not saying you need to take every single herb mentioned, be discerning, we need to go into our heart space about it. We also need to be in that
vibrational space as well. And these adaptogenic herbs, these tonic herbs, are so powerful on so many different levels, to protect you from radiation and, most importantly, help you recover. From a vitality level, a cognition level, and a sleep level. But it’s important to remember that they aren’t instantaneous - the benefits procure over an extended period of time. Just consider you’ve planted a seedling… you don’t expect to have really strong, powerful roots in the ground right away, right? You don’t expect it to start producing fruit right away, right?

No, you know it takes time and nourishment for that plant to grow… Aromatics are what you’re looking for if you’re looking for quick-acting. And you can even get these fast-acting aromatics through the foods you eat! Such as cumin, especially black cumin seeds, which is a wonderfully protective medicine, recovery medicine as well.
Even black pepper, if you can tolerate it, has radioprotective properties. And there are published papers on this! Black pepper helps you absorb things, certain things can actually be better absorbed if it’s taken with black pepper. Sometimes you just need certain things to stay in the gut. Of course, if you are working on your digestive tract, you may not want black pepper at the moment, but if you want things to be absorbed better, sometimes you might add a little black pepper. That in and of itself helps protect you from radiation.

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Healer Omar Botha

A healing solution will give you the tools, herbs, diet you need to follow that kills all pathogens naturally in the body and no vaccine is needed as the viruses will just mutate. Mutation will NOT stop certain herbs, fruit and vegetables from killing it.

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