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If you feel that you’ve been searching for health answers for far too long, you’re not alone. A person may visit 50 to 100 health-care providers of all kinds searching for answers.

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dementia-3662192 1280

What Is Oregano Oil? Oregano oil comes from the leaves and shoots of the oregano plant. Botanically known as Origanum vulgare, oregano is a flowering plant from the same family as mint. It is often used as an herb to flavor food.

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dementia-3662192 1280

In this article, I will explain why almost everyone is deficient in zinc and why it’s so critical to include–not only for chronic illness but also for health maintenance and future illness prevention.

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un-21-608x400Do you feel abandoned by your friends, partner, or family? Do you feel like the foundation of your life is shaky, and it makes you feel anxious or nervous all the time?

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dementia-3662192 1280

Continuous visits to the dentist for the application of whitening strips and gels has recently been proven to cause erosion of tooth enamel over time. These whitening procedures also cause tooth sensitivity. Sorry, but beauty isn't always pain!

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flu-vaccine miniMore importantly, flu shots also inject toxins into your body that can result in serious health problems down the road.

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Natural Teeth Whitening Solutions grande

Continuous visits to the dentist for the application of whitening strips and gels has recently been proven to cause erosion of tooth enamel over time. These whitening procedures also cause tooth sensitivity. Sorry, but beauty isn't always pain!

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Lemon-Balm-PlantKids with ADHD – hyperactivity and attention issues – now have proven natural alternatives to drugs. In the form of two safe herbs: Lemon balm and valarian root...

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meditationMeditation has traditionally been associated with Eastern mysticism but science is beginning to show that cultivating a "heightened" state of consciousness can have a major impact on our brain, the way our bodies function and our levels of resilience.

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lead poison in vaccinationsLead is a naturally occurring metal but its natural status doesn't mean it's healthy. In fact, lead is extremely toxic to humans and affects the liver, kidneys, reproductive system, and nervous system....

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