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Welcome to Soulcare


Soulcare was founded in 2005 by Omar Botha - Soul Master & Spiritual Healer. The centre is managed by Omar Botha and assistants in Bryanston.

Our clientelle is very diverse across all ages and people from all different walks of life.

Soulcare offers various modalities of natural healing that offers alternative opportunities of any illnesses from flu to cancer.

Whether you are a high powered professional or an ambitious professional sports person, we have a range of treatments which will help you take your game to the next level.

Soulcare Healing Centre

Contact 073 854 3103

Soul Master & Healer?

Soul Master

As Soul Master, I look at every individual as a unique human being and soul, with different abilities and unique personalities. To reach balance and happiness in one's life you have to align your personality with your soul.


As a Healer one treats the cause of the problem not symptoms. That way one assures that the "illness" will not come back if you are dealing with it the right way.As a healer I look at the 4 different bodies and bring them into Balance.

1) Emotional

2) Physical

3) Mental / Psyche

4) Spiritual Healing can be done on any of the above Bodies

Different forms of healing

How do I go about doing a Healing session?

There are various ways of doing this

1st By counseling and talking to the person

2nd Counseling and sending healing energy

3rd Silent Healing

  •  I open with a prayer to God / The Almighty One / Our Creator to protect and guide us in the healing session and to send his healing light through me to the client.
  •  My hands are then placed over the person while seated in one of our healing chairs and the session can take between 10-15 min.{One does not have to believe in any form of religion for this session}

4th Healing Massage

Very similar to your normal or even sport message with a difference of sending healing energy with the mind and soul.Sports Injuries, Muscle tension etc.5th MeditationFor sport people, business people and any one who wants to perform at his/her best and to have that inner peace and calmness within.To connect with inner self.To connect with your guides.6th CleansingAny negativity sent to you can be removed.

About Omar Botha


Omar went to school in Randburg and matriculated in 1990.

He played rugby for the 1 st team. They were the winners of the Directors trophy in 1990. He went on to compete in athletics at provincial level. He played golf for the school and captained the team. Competed in golf at SA university level.

Studied B Comm Sport management at RAU and went on to go play golf as an amateur for a year and then tackled the professional circuit. He did well on the Development tour but did not manage to make a living out of golf and assumed the "normal" working career as followed by so many.

There he made excellent progress in different business industries like the motor, Dry cleaning, Health and IT industries. After that he started two companies EGP events & Buona Vino wines.

Through out his career he has made some good and not-so-good decisions and he has learned many lessons by concentrated experience

One day his work and his personal relationship with himself and his girl friend at the time were not going as well as planned. That was when he started asking himself some questions. Do I need to go and talk to my Pastor? Or do I go to my Psychologist friends and ask them for help? Neither of the options appealed to him. He knew there was something else missing and needed to find that missing link in his life.

He went to a Psychic where he learned about himself and life in general. He then moved on to a Medium that channels with her guides. This spirit guide brought information to him from the Almighty One our Creator. A lot of his answers were answered and many things that he believed in were confirmed by the Spirit Guide.

He learned how things in life were twisted and how we were molded in life to believe and act in certain ways that are acceptable to society.

During the last 2 years he has studied people and himself and learning more about why they react and do the things that they do. Why they feel the way they feel and why they get sick. He also found that he picked up other peoples emotions and fears with consistent accuracy.

He has prayed and meditated on a daily basis and answers have been given to him regarding what to do and how to go about in his own life.

In January 2006 he officially began working as a Soul Master & Healer

Doing Mental-, Spiritual-, Emotional - & Physical Healing.

Today he knows that Spirituality is the better way of life for himself and it plays a huge role in his life and has changed his life for the better. He has learned to believe in himself and with the help of The Almighty One / God, he is able to life his life feeling more fulfilled and with more joy and laughter.

Life is a journey and it is what you make of it. There is no perfect right or perfect wrong in life. There are only choices that we make and we only learn and grow from these choices. 

There are no sins in life only mistakes.

V small.healing

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