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Omar Botha is a Spiritual Teacher & Natural, Intuitive Healer and has helped and healed many a client with Illnesses and injuries like: Flu, Cancer, Osteoporosis, Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, HIV, ADHD, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Arthritis, Gout, Auto Immune deficiency torn muscles, ligaments, spinal injuries and removal of spells, curses and negative energies.

Various types of therapies are used and combined one session or more sessions. Most of the consultations now are based on a Counselling, Psychotherapy, Herbs, Food, Healing energy, Healing water and Acupuncture and other treatments are used to help the healing process

Omar Botha helps people to prevent illnesses by advising peoples on their diet and lifestyle to create balance in their lives.

Omar 2019

General Healing

The body is a fascinating system that is always striving for balance.

One cannot correct one problem with another problem or drug to suppress the symptoms. This will just manifest another problem, illness or even death. The body will be given the right tools to help the healing process.


When one has high cholesterol, one should look at why the body has high cholesterol or why the produces an access amount. Is it doing so to protect the body against acidity?

    • 15 min. Consultations R500
    • 30 min. Consultations R1000
    • 60 min. Healing session R2000
    • International sessions available ($120)


Remote Distant Energy Healing is a method of Energy Healing over any distance, i.e., from one location to another, where the healee is not present.  In other words, the person or animal does not have to be in the company of the healer to receive the healing.

Quantum physics has also shown that energy is not restricted by time or space, which is the basis for distant healing. Distant healing works on the principle that the healer’s intention can be transmitted across distance to the healee and that energy can be directed towards the healee for their highest and purest good.

Remote Distant Energy Healing can treat various physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions. It is becoming increasingly popular as more people seek alternative healing forms that do not require physical contact.


Holistic Healing Massage                                                  

It is a healing tool that integrates Body, Mind & Spirit. The Healer balances the body and removes any physical, emotional pains. Sport massage and healing sport injuries, it is a deep Tissue massage.


Sport & General Injuries                                                    

Working on broken bones torn muscles, tendons etc

General Health & Illness                                                   

Emotions, food and viruses are the major causes of illness. Various techniques are used to find the root of the problem to start the healing process.Viruses are the main cause of some of the following illnesses, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, thyroid disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and many others—yet they couldn’t get better.


Counseling & Healing illnesses                                          

General healing of relationships, marriagecounselling, business counselling and advice, child abuse and inner self-healing, General Trauma


Hands on Healing                                                                

Healing of a Physical pain as well as Emotional, Spiritual and Mental healing.


Fitness Programs                                                               

Designing programs for people for more Flexibility, Fitness, Gym, Yoga, Golf



It is a foot massage, healing of the body and assessing bodily functions. All nerve endings come together in the feet



DNA Activation treatment {activates 12 DNA strands for optimum body function} and changing consciousness. Improves health and overall performance


Energy Flow / Chakra Balancing                                     

Our bodies are a bowl of energy. It balances the energy flow in the body to avoid pain and illness.

Dream Analysis & Purpose in life                                     

Find your path & purpose in life and what your dreams tell you about life

Help in Finding missing people                                         R5000 / hour

Working with police and private investigators giving them tools to help find the missing person. Bring a personal belonging of missing person to work on.

Curse Removal                                                                   R5000 / session

Entities, Spells, Drug related issues


Business Counselling                                                      Individual/Group

Applying the laws of nature in the working environment

How we can make a difference in a company, a person or couples lives


Group Meditation                                                               R250 p/p / hour

It is teaching us how to let go of negative stressors. Relaxing, increase your performance. General Healing, Balance in life. Meditation lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and anxiety. This includes Sports meditation


Diet & Nutritional Programs                                                

Advanced Information on True Causes and How to Heal Chronic Illness. Knowledge on Healing Foods, Supplements and Protocols.


Sport Meditation                                                                 Group or Individual

Please consult on the price for groups and individual meditation. It all depends on what needs to be achieved. Types: Golf, athletic, rugby, motorsport, and various other sport meditations are used to increase performance or to achieve the goal.


Professional Golf couching                                                

Golf, putting chipping, mental


Talks for Companies and groups                         

Per hour charge:

  • to management:
    • How to work better with your staff – how to form teams
    • How to gain from trusting that others can do what you can do
    • Living what you speak
  • All Staff Ethics in Your Work Environment
    • Motivating yourself as an individual
    • Working as a team – getting rid of the need to compete when your goals are the same
    • Being kinder to yourself and still winning at work and at home
    • Losing the “attitude” and getting into why you first joined the company
    • Beyond the stars – how to become a ‘star’ and stay there (motivating yourself daily and staying ‘up’ even when things around you start going down)
    • Believing in yourself and your product and your company
    • How to ask for back-up and set it up so that it works
  • “Reducing Your Stress Levels”
  • “Dealing with Terminal Illnesses including HIV/AIDS – a new outlook on life


Wellness Days

Encompasses the staff being treated to things that they can choose to do within the grounds of the company such as:

  • massages
  • sessions of reflexology

Other Talks

  • Vaccination why one should avoid it at all cost
  • The healing power of food
  • How to stay emotionally and physically fit
  • Sport meditations for various sports and what it does for you
  • The roll of regular holidays
  • How to have a relationship with God and other people around you
  • Does God punish people? Should there be judgement in life?

Other Talks

  • Vaccination why one should avoid it at all cost
  • The healing power of food
  • How to stay emotionally and physically fit
  • Sport meditations for various sports and what it does for you
  • The roll of regular holidays
  • How to have a relationship with God and other people around you
  • Does God punish people? Should there be judgement in life?

Workshops on Illness

How illness begins and what can be done about it. How the body heals itself, when given the correct tools in life

Spiritual / Healing Retreats

Cancer clients, HIV, All the major illnesses and general well-been retreats, Weight loss & General Fitness Retreats

 WhatsApp Calls for remote healing worldwide.

Contact 073 854 3103 for an appointment.

Guaranteed results and cures for HIV, Cancer, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Allergies & Muscle pains, Sport Injuries, House Cleansing, Help Finding missing children, you name it I help curing it.

I have empathy and care

SOULCARE PTY LTD CK 2005/030561/07

Director Omar Botha 

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