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FibromyalgiaBut what is fibromyalgia? First defined in 1990 by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain throughout the body for more than 3 months and the presence of at least 11 of 18 tender points and in particular in the body's fibrous tissue (fibro meaning "fiber" and myalgia "pain in the muscle")....

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Vagus NerveThe role of the brain on body inflammation can be profound. If you suffer from digestive complaints, high blood pressure, depression or any inflammatory condition, please read on. Let me explain the possible implications step by step....

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369812-189299-14Your body is the vehicle you use to go through life, and the soul is the driver. Every vehicle has a different driver and a different destination.

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micro birth symbiotic bacteria greenmedinfoUnlike the popular belief that vaginal birth is the main way to populate a newborn´s body with maternal symbiotic bacteria, seeding actually begins with implantation and pregnancy and is further reinforced with vaginal birth and breastfeeding. A baby is not growing in a perfectly sterile environment until birth, but on the contrary is surrounded and supported by several different bacterial communities throughout pregnancy, which reside in different organs of the mother...

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