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berries alzheimersAt the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviours is the communication between neurons within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by synchronised electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other...


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emotions"Embarrassment is a painful but important emotion. It makes us feel bad about our mistakes so that we don't repeat them and one of its side effects—blushing—signals to others that we recognize our error and are not cold-hearted or oblivious. Shame, a related emotion, can be felt even when no one knows about a slip-up."...

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rhbill1Fertility - There are many factors in life that can play a vital role to be able to fall pregnant.
1) Emotional & Psychological stress
2) Nutrition
3) Mineral deficiency
4) Financial stress...

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berries alzheimersFear of Alzheimer's disease is rampant. But there is berry good evidence that a particular food significantly decreases the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia...