Unfortunately, both medical and alternative health communities are unaware of the true causes of chronic illnesses and symptoms and how central the health of the liver is to a huge number of illnesses and symptoms.
I don’t want you to have to wait decades for science and research to figure out the answers, so I have shared the advanced information needed for healing in Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease so you can start healing now. Let’s look at a little of what you can do for your liver here.
Your liver is an amazing, powerful and hardworking organ. When it’s not doing well—when you have sluggish liver or fatty liver or its bogged down by toxins or too much protein or fat in the diet—that’s a big part of the root of just about every condition and symptom under the sun, including: acne, adrenal problems, autoimmune disorders, brain fog, chemical food sensitivities, diabetes, constipation, dark circles under the eyes, emotional issues, fatigue, gallstones, gout, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, hormone problems, IBS, inflammation, body pain, jaundice, aging, liver cancer, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, insomnia, cysts, methylation problems, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), SIBO, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, varicose veins and weight gain.
Sadly, even young people today—kids in their teens and young adults in their 20s—are coming down with these chronic illnesses and symptoms, and they’re being told that their body is attacking itself, that they have an autoimmune disease. These young people are going through a horrible shock and then an awakening to the sobering truth that nobody really knows the true causes of their condition and how to make them well again. Being chronically ill, especially at a young age, can break your spirit. But it doesn’t have to be this way—there are answers for you here and you can heal.
The beginning of the liver story isn’t too pretty. Basically, we’re all born with livers that are already weakened, because a lot of toxins are actually passed down the family line. We inherit them at conception and in the womb. And then our livers are barraged by a wide range of toxins throughout the entire course of our lives because of the imperfect modern world we live in.
Now, our livers are designed to deal with some of that. We were made with this incredible organ for a reason. The way it works is the liver contains three levels, or three depths. When you’re exposed to toxins, your liver works hard to snatch them up and capture them away within the depths of the liver to protect you. Ideally, your liver will then also neutralize the toxins, detoxify them and remove them from your body through its various elimination channels. But the problems come when your liver is flooded or bogged down with too many toxins and it can’t keep you safe from all of them, despite it’s miraculous and constant efforts to do so.
Troublemakers for Your Liver
Let’s run through some of the toxins our livers are inundated with. But first, I’ll warn you that this list could seem a little overwhelming, especially since you can’t run from all of this or completely avoid all of these toxins. Just remember that you can work to clear these troublemakers and heal your liver and get your quality of life back. I’m going to tell you how. But again, for more details, specific healing steps and dosages, and for a complete list of what I call the “Liver Troublemakers,” you’ll want to get a copy of Liver Rescue. Please note that the troublemakers listed below are only a handful of the Liver Troublemakers listed in Liver Rescue. Refer to the chapter on this topic in Liver Rescue for a complete list.
Petrochemicals and plastics. We inhale gas exhaust all the time, including when we pump our gas or drive behind a diesel truck or walk by an idling school bus. We absorb it into our bloodstream when we use kerosene, lighter fluid, gas grills and gas stoves. To understand where and how the liver stores these toxins, and why so many people’s livers aren’t given the opportunity to safely remove them from the body at a later date, please refer to Liver Rescue.
Chemical solvents and nanotechnology. These are everywhere, including in cleaning agents, carpeting agents, paint thinner, paint lacquer, new furniture and nanotechnology.
Household chemicals. These are pervasive in air fresheners, colognes, perfume, hairspray, scented candles, hair dye, conventional makeup, conventional cleaning products, conventional laundry detergent and conventional dryer sheets.
Smoke. Any kind of smoke exposure goes to the liver, whether that’s the smoke from the largely unknown agricultural practice of burning masses of plastic or from a forest fire or from a cigarette.
Chlorine. Any time you swim in a chlorinated pool, you’re absorbing some chlorine through your skin.
Stress hormones. When we’re under stress, adrenaline pumps into the liver, which puts us at risk for countless symptoms and conditions including liver disease, breaks down our bile reserves and breaks down hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Even in young people, livers today are being bombarded with the effects of excess adrenaline.
Viruses and bacteria. There are all kinds of viruses and bacteria in our modern world, including many undiscovered strains of Epstein-Barr, shingles, herpes and streptococcus. I have revealed these different strains in my books. People can inherit some of these pathogens through their family line. They can also be exposed in many other ways, like when they take a sip of a friend’s water or touch a dirty doorknob and later rub their eyes.
Toxic heavy metals. People can also inherit metals like lead, mercury, aluminum, nickel, barium, arsenic and copper. And it’s all too easy to be exposed to these metals in daily life. Take the heavy metal copper for instance. When the local park is being sprayed with pesticides (many of which contain copper and mercury) and you breathe that in, or when you drink water that ran through a copper pipe, you’re absorbing the metal. This industrial copper is different to the trace mineral copper which can be found in healthy foods.
Pharmaceuticals. Medications you’ve taken over the years can be harbored in the liver. And sadly, our water supply is filled with them: antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory medications, biologics, immunosuppressant drugs, prescription amphetamines, statins, blood pressure medication, hormone medication, thyroid medication, steroids and even contraceptives. (This is why a high-quality water filter is essential, by the way.
This means that even if you’ve never taken medications, you’ll still have some stored in your liver from drinking tap water at some time in your life. It’s OK if you need to take certain meditations, but you can still clear out the past medications from your system so your liver can heal and handle new exposure more effectively.
Food-Based Troublemakers
There are also ways of eating and some foods that are simply hard on the liver. Let’s take a look at some of these now:
Eggs. They keep pathogens that thrive inside the liver alive. Eggs are what was used in labs to raise viruses like Epstein-Barr. Viruses feed off eggs. It doesn’t matter whether those eggs are organic and pasture-raised (although certainly if you are going to eat eggs, that’s the kind of eggs you want to be eating). Nonetheless, eggs are eggs, and unfortunately they allow viruses to thrive. The undiscovered truth is that viruses are the actual root cause of many so-called autoimmune diseases and other health conditions. To understand the root cause of different symptoms and conditions, check out Liver Rescue.
Dairy. Cheese, milk and other dairy products will also feed viruses and be very hard on your liver.
Vinegar. Yes, even apple cider vinegar (which is certainly the best kind of vinegar) can be harmful to your liver (it basically pickles it!) when you consume too much.
Excessive salt. Bad salts or excessive salt is hard on your liver, and if you combine the salt with vinegar you also create a pickling action in your organ.
Pork products. Very high in fat so they are extremely hard on the liver
To read a full list of the troublemaking foods to avoid, you can read the chapter on this topic in Liver Rescue.
Healing Support
I know it can seem overwhelming to consider all these problematic Liver Troublemakers. But the good news is that you now have answers and the information you need to heal. And there’s so much you can do to heal and get your life back. Let’s focus now on some powerful foods, herbs and supplements that will help your liver heal and work well into the future.
B12 with the right blend of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. The right kind of B12 can get a person recovering and on a path of starting to heal. As with all supplements, some are junk and harmful, and some are amazing. I have the highest quality options on my website to help you know what’s really good, so check that out before your make a purchase. I don’t sell supplements; it’s simply a list of the products I know work.
Apples. They’re an incredible food that provides a specific kind of hydration--a living water--to the liver. Your liver needs certain kinds of hydration that can only come from fruit, and apples are really important for this.
Apricots. Dried or fresh, the contain helpful phytochemical compounds.
Arugula. Causes a gentle purging of the liver.
Asparagus. Provides a type of flavonoid that’s rare. It soothes the liver, and this flavonoid helps calm a sick liver, purges the liver and strengthens the liver’s immune system.
Atlantic dulse and kelp. These are really good for the liver. Dulse is an ingredient in the Medical Medium heavy metal detox smoothie for a reason.
Bananas. They provide a type of glucose for the liver that’s incredible, and they are an antiviral, anti-yeast, antibacterial, and antifungal food.
Berries. They’re a medicine chest all on their own—they’re incredible.
Broccoli. It contains amazing sulfur compounds that stop bacteria. They’re great for clearing out streptococcus that’s in the liver and lymphatic system, which by the way is what causes acne.
Brussels sprouts. It has the same powerful compounds as broccoli.
Celery. I can’t say enough about celery. Spirit and I introduced celery juice to the world decades ago—and it’s all the rage now, rightly so!—for good reason. For one, it contains undiscovered subgroups of mineral salts (called cluster salts) that strip the membranes off of viruses so they die and can be flushed out of the body. This truth won’t be discovered by research and science for another 50 years or so. Celery also restores the liver’s bile production, so hydrochloric acid builds back up in the stomach. Celery purges the liver of toxins, and it also helps dissolve gallstones. I could go on and on about how powerful it is for healing your liver and your health.
Tomatoes. They harness critical micronutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that literally stop liver illnesses of all kinds. Tomatoes help the liver detoxify red blood cells safely, and they heal the liver.
There are many other powerful liver supporting foods that I cover in Liver Rescue and how their undiscovered healing properties are helpful.
Other herbs and supplements that will help detoxify and heal the liver include:
Cat’s claw
Barley grass juice powder
Chaga mushroom
Ginger (try juicing ginger or making ginger water)
Lemon balm
Licorice root
Nettle leaf
Rose hip tea
Zinc sulfate
Wild blueberry powder
Nascent iodine
Peppermint tea
Moving Forward
All of those foods, supplements and herbs are options for you, and you can do them all periodically or change them up. But again, see Liver Rescue for more detail and guidance you can use to heal. In the book, I explain what each food, herb or supplement does. I also share the specific dosages that are helpful for particular health issues.
For instance, there’s sections in Liver Rescue where I talk about the real cause and how to heal all of the following: acne, adrenal problems, autoimmune disorders, brain fog, chemical food sensitivities, diabetes, constipation, dark circles under eyes, emotional problems, energy issues, fatigue, sluggish liver, gallstones, gout, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, hormones problems, IBS, inflammation throughout the body, pain, jaundice, aging, liver cancer, insomnia, cysts, methylation problems, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), SIBO, sinus infections, urinary tract infections, varicose veins, weight gain and more.
It’s critical to take care of your liver, and it’s critical to know what to do to get the toxins out from deep in the center of the liver and all its layers. I want to support you in your healing, and I know that you can begin moving forward with healing now you have the truths and tools I share here and in Liver Rescue in your hands.
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