The True Cause of Autoimmune Diseases are Virus invections
If you have an illness that has been labelled as an autoimmune disease, your body truly is attacking something, but it is not attacking itself. As I said, your body is working for you every single day. It works tirelessly for you and is doing the very best it can. When you are sick and have mysterious symptoms, such as fatigue, butterfly rashes, dizziness, tremors, vertigo, aches and pains, digestive trouble, weight loss, insomnia, weight gain, memory loss, numbness, tingling, blood sugar issues, brain fog, mood swings, night sweats, loss of appetite, and many others, it means there is an invader in your body. The same is true if you have lupus, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, Addison’s, Type 1 Diabetes, colitis, vitiligo, celiac, eczema, Graves’, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, alopecia, or any other disease that is considered to be in the autoimmune category. There is a pathogen invader in your body that it’s working hard to attack and get rid of.
A non-communicable disease (NCD) is a disease that is not transmissible directly from one person to another. NCDs include Parkinson's disease, autoimmune diseases, strokes, most heart diseases, most cancers, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, and others.
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018. Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer.
26 301 deaths per day
Min. 50% of theses deaths are caused by virus infections that’s is 13 150 people per day!
About 6 million people die year from strokes
16 438 people per day worldwide die from it
50% of theses deaths are virus related and 50% emotional trauma that means 8 219 people per day due to virus infection.
About 2 million people per year die of this illness or 5479 per day
50% is virus related and 50% food and lifestyle related that means 2740 people die per day due to virus infection
Respiratory Issues:
Total 6 million where the WHO says half is a non-communicable disease (NCD)
3 million is caused by viral infections that means 8219 people die per day to viral infections
Corona Virus:
Coronavirus Cases -
29 March 2020. 35804 = 95 deaths per day!
Myth: Face masks will protect you from the virus
For the average person, regular hand washing is the most important defence against picking up Sars-Cov-2 – the virus that causes Covid-19. Face masks work by blocking droplets from coughs and sneezes that are the main transmission route of coronavirus, but not all masks are effective at filtering out very small particles and viruses can still enter through the eyes.
The only people who really need to wear face masks are those who are likely to be in close contact with infected people. There’s little evidence of a widespread benefit of face masks to the general public, and public stockpiling of surgical masks could make it harder for health workers to acquire them when they need them.
Coronavirus lockdown “useless, grotesque, collective suicide” – World-renowned virologist
- Italian National Institute of Health: Half of country’s COVID-19 deaths occurred with 3 or more “pre-existing” conditions
Comorbidity simply means many diseases or chronic health conditions that occur at the same time within a single person. Based on current data, it appears this could be a significant risk factor for death from the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.
In a recently released research study, the National Institute of Health in Italy shared that nearly half of all Italians who have died so far from complications caused by COVID-19 had three or more underlying health conditions.
Over 25 percent of Italian coronavirus deaths occurred in people with two chronic health conditions, and another 25 percent occurred in people with one. All told, nearly all (99 percent) of Italians who have succumbed to this new illness were living with at least 1 underlying health condition before becoming infected.
So why do we have a LOCKDOWN in the world today because of Corona Virus???
People, Governments, Scientists and The HWO (World Health Organisation) that are either clueless or is part or Pharmaceuticals complot to make billions out or people selling protective cloves, medical equipment, sanitisers and in future a vaccine that most people will bay because of the fear factor instilled into peoples minds that does not know the truth about the real causes…
Example: Bananas are a powerful antiviral food with incredible anti-inflammatory properties due to their ability to lower viral load. They provide amino acids and the right kind of potassium to rebuild neurotransmitters after they’ve been burnt out by shingles’ neurotoxins. Bananas are a secret weapon in reversing colitis, which is caused by the shingles virus–a truth still unknown to medical research and science.
- DDT, Roundup, Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, MSG, GMO and most household chemicals FEEDS VIRUSES! But Government and the WHO will not tell you or does not know about that!
- Viruses feed of eggs, dairy and gluten (this is due to scientist that used these products in labs to create viruses from the 1950’s)
Read Medical Mediums books for more information @
According to Human Rights law, any actions taken in response to a threat to the life of a nation are justified “as long as they are proportionate, non-discriminatory, of a limited duration or backed by scientific evidence”.
International human rights law guarantees everyone the right to the highest attainable standard of health and obligates governments to take steps to prevent threats to public health and to provide medical care to those who need it.
What the WHO, Pharmaceuticals, Scientist and Governments are not sharing is that Viruses are fed by DDT, Roundup, Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, MSG, GMO and most household chemicals, plus certain foods like Eggs that was used to create the viruses in labs from the early 1950’s. Gluten and dairy also feeds viruses as well as Artificial flavours, Most artificial sweeteners, Canola Oil, say and mielies as they are mostly GMO corps.
Now farmers that used theses products and methods to produce products are violating every person on this planets human right to healthy foods and a sustainable earth.
The lockdown is taking away the freedom of people to enjoy nature. (Nature is the greatest healer and de-stressor in the world). It’s a violation of peoples rights to have physical contact.
This virus outbreak could have be handled far more pro-actively given the facts what caused the virus to become active and that NO VIRUS in the world can harm someone with a strong immune system.
It is the responsibility of each individual to show love and respect to him/herself by eating they best foods available to him/her with what budget they have.
Governments love spending tax payers money on things that are not essential. All the various government budgets should have been spend on better nutrition for all to strengthen then immunes systems of people. That way the virus can have no power over anyone and it will die of as it has no food to grow!
People have the right to go to work and maintain a lifestyle that they are used too when that is sustainable and organic. People get sick due to lifestyle choices, negative thinking, negative emotions, eating unhealthy. Environmental pollution plays a roll and as mentioned all the chemicals used in every day living and farming.
People that make choices that are not sustainable and organic will get sick, and that should not be for the cost of the tax payer or influence the others that are living a sustainable and organic lifestyle. That is not fair to the people contributing to a better life on earth for all.
“When the first true MS diagnoses were delivered, suggested treatment options were limited, inappropriate, and actually led many people to suffer unnecessarily. The truth, which is unknown to medical science and research, is that almost every neurological symptom stems from one group of viruses—the herpes family. The Epstein-Barr virus falls within the herpes family, and it’s the culprit that’s often responsible for MS. However, other cofactors are usually involved too, including toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, copper, aluminium, lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, alloys, and steels, or dangerous chemicals, like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and DDT. These toxins can fuel and support the many strains of Epstein-Barr and other herpetic viruses that trigger neurological symptoms. Medical science and research aren’t yet aware that there are over 60 strains of Epstein-Barr viruses alone. It is discussed in detail in the book Thyroid Healing.”
There is considerable misinformation on social media and authorities have legitimate reasons to counter false information that can cause public panic.
When quarantines are imposed, governments have absolute obligations to ensure access to food, water, and health care.
“Violating the rights of tens of millions of people in the effort to address the coronavirus outbreak will be counterproductive,”
“Transparency and engaging civil society will be the far better approach.”
Why is the spread of the corona virus worse in some countries that others? (Like Italy)
It comes back to 2 things:
- The immune systems of people that are different from one country to another due to lifestyle choices.
- The staple foods that people use that were used to create viruses (gluten, eggs, dairy)
The lockdown has left millions stranded, struggling to search for food and water, Amnesty International India (AII) executive director Avinash Kumar said in a statement. “Unfortunately for these people, a state machinery has become a larger threat than the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.
Tens of thousands of out-of-work migrant workers are stranded with rail and bus services shut down in the country. “Police actions to punish those violating orders have reportedly resulted in abuses against people in need,”
- Coronavirus to make economic challenges worse
Moody's said the "unprecedented deterioration" in the global economic outlook caused by the rapid spread of the coronavirus outbreak will exacerbate the country's economic and fiscal challenges, and "complicate the emergence of effective policy responses".
"Unreliable electricity supply, persistent weak business confidence and investment as well as long-standing structural labour market rigidities continue to constrain South Africa's economic growth.
"As a result, South Africa is entering a period of much lower global growth in an economically vulnerable position. The government's own capacity to limit the economic deterioration, in the current shock and more durably is constrained," it said.
People worldwide that a right to clear air, organic nutrition, freedom of speech without verbal abusing another for their views. When most farming is organic the cost of organic food will be a lot cheaper and affordable for most. Only 1% of farming in the world is organic!
Organic farming does not pollute the water and soil. It creates a living environment for all organisms that are need to produce a great product. Organic farming produces far less CO2’s. It puts carbon back into the soil.
I can speak for myself when I lost everything just before the virus outbreak because a drunk driver with no license or insurance took me out and long story short cost me hundreds of thousands and he got away with it.
Looking for accommodation, people would not take me and lady friend in because of their Muslim believes that I am not allowed to stay under the same roof. Really?
- God is a God of love and will not let people stay outside because they are not married!
Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected as natural and legal rights in municipal and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable, fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being" and which are "inherent in all human beings", regardless of their age, ethnic origin, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status.
During the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, human rights violations including censorship, discrimination, arbitrary detention, xenophobia were reported from different parts of the world.
Troublemakers That Make Us Sick: Viruses and Viral Waste Matter
One of the biggest underlying causes of chronic symptoms and conditions is viruses and the viral waste matter they produce. Below I list some of these viruses that are responsible for so many symptoms and conditions.
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Multiple varieties of herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 and 2
- Multiple varieties of human herpesvirus (HHV)-6, HHV-7, HHV-8
- Multiple varieties of the undiscovered HHV-9, HHV-10, HHV-11, HHV-12, HHV-13, HHV-14, HHV-15, HHV-16
- Over 30 varieties (all but one undiscovered) of shingles
- Over 60 varieties (most of them undiscovered) of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
- Viral waste matter (byproduct, neurotoxins, dermatoxins, and viral corpses) from these herpes family viruses
Here are a few simple tips to help protect yourself and your loved ones:
Choose organic produce when possible. If you eat animal products, stick to antibiotic-free, grass-fed meats and free-range chicken. @ Soulcare Food
Healing Supplements
A sizable dose of vitamin C is a powerful weapon against streptococcus. Zinc sulfate is a critical strep-fighting supplement. More @ Supplements.
If quarantining is necessary, there are steps that can mitigate the effects of being isolated, including:
- Staying connected with your social and family networks via technology
- Keeping your daily routines as much as possible
- Exercising regularly and practicing habits that you enjoy and find relaxing
- Seeking practical, credible information at specific times of the day
Book a Healing Treatment or Counselling Session with Healer, Counsellor & Prophet Omar Botha