There are many truths and many theories, because many factors do play a role in how fast we age. Still, even with all the different experiences and exposures we go through, there’s one foundational factor that plays the largest role—it’s the one that can either age us more quickly or slow down our aging.
It’s a wellspring of renewed life, a holy place of rejuvenation. It holds the answers, the power, the truth; it holds youth. It’s the origin of longevity and the age reversal process. Your liver: it’s everything when it comes to preserving yourself.
How to Practice Self Care
You have to take those steps yourself, or you just continue to go down instead of up.
And one of the most important things that I've seen transform people is detoxification and cleansing of their body and their home. There's so many conditions — health mental conditions — that are associated with a toxic body. Once you start cleansing and detoxifying, cleansing and healing the gut, then you start having more production of serotonin, melatonin, neurotransmitters and you start to become happier.
Once you start cleansing the liver, which is the seed of all emotions according to traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic, you start pushing all those deep-seated emotions out of your body.
You stop looking at yourself as a victim and start taking the necessary steps to progress your life in a positive direction. You start finding things that create happiness in your life. The skin becoming saggy or discolored and losing its elasticity is a common complaint, and like other symptoms of early aging, it’s a sign of a liver slowly losing its various chemical functions. How we care for our livers determines our health, aging process, and much of our well-being mentally, physically, and even emotionally as we get older.
They go to the spa to get a massage and a full-body seaweed wrap; they go on dietary cleanses and take vitamins and other supplements; they visit their doctor for checkups—some of this just happening to care for the liver in bits and pieces along the way. These little snippets of accidental, indirect attention do help our livers hold on to some health value, some health stock, as we get older.
needs better looking after. Otherwise, left neglected and uncared for long term, left to get dirty and rusted and broken, that car isn’t a youth car at all anymore; it’s a banged-up jalopy limping along on the road and spewing exhaust. If we don’t want to age before our time, we don’t want the liver taking all the hits. We don’t want it to get so bruised by life that it can’t carry us on all the adventures we picture for ourselves. We want it to get more than a hint of liberation that’s soon followed by a crash; we want to eliminate the crashes altogether and make freedom the default. Because that—caring for the liver, rather
than accidentally toying with it—is the true secret of looking and staying young. Once tapped into, our livers hold special chemical functions for keeping us young. Some of these functions, of course, exist around the ability to detoxify. Getting rid of junk is crucial to keeping your liver fit for duty. The most profound anti-aging function is your liver’s ability to take an antioxidant it either has stored or is using fresh from the most important source that exists, fruit; bond it with amino acids it’s been storing; and then send these new, improved phytochemical compounds into your sea of blood on a targeted mission: to stop healthy cells from dying.
This isn’t the same as when antioxidants directly from foods offer benefits such as preventing oxidation by cleaning free radicals from the body. Those antioxidants are indeed critical for anti-aging; from their food sources, they’re instilled with a broad mission of repairing, supporting, and correcting tissue throughout the organs and body. Antioxidants that have been upgraded by the liver take it to the next level. When the liver alters certain antioxidants, it coats them and codes them with special information, infusing them with a recipe of knowledge that goes beyond tissue support; it stops cell death. This antioxidant upgrade process stops us from dying. It’s true armor, not the illusion of protection and strength that radical fats give us.
From the Book William, Anthony. Medical Medium Liver Rescue
The truth is that DNA has nothing to do with aging. The condition of our DNA is not proof of a flawed family line; it’s a warning about the state of our livers. When DNA weakens, wears down, frays, or becomes injured—which science mistakes for mutation—it’s a signal that the liver is losing its strength to keep us young.
If someone looks good, strong, and young for her or his age and isn’t exhibiting symptoms of illness or other health complaints, instead of saying, “Hey, you’ve got good genes,” we should say, “Hey, you’ve got a good, solid liver. That thing’s a cleaning machine. You must not have been exposed to too many toxins in your life.”
The way forward:
Exercising and adding more fruit, leafy greens, and vegetables to a fat-overburdened diet, as well as taking time off to go on retreat and seek spiritual connections that bring down our adrenaline—these happen to care for the liver, and that addresses aging. A healthy liver will STOP the coronavirus from entering the human body or liver.
Avoid the following:
Environmental Issues Inside the Home
Allergies, monthly headaches during your menstrual cycle, asthma, eczema, anxiety, fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, confusion, weakness, aches and pains, and a host of other health issues can all be exacerbated by environmental issues.
Carpet Chemicals
Brand new carpet contains solvents, fungicides, and other toxic chemicals, which can trigger seasonal-affective-disorder-like symptoms and other conditions and symptoms connected with any active or inactive viruses you have.
Detergents and Hair Care Products
When doing laundry, it’s important to use a natural detergent. Conventional detergents usually contain petrol oil, which may slow healing efforts.
Perfumes and Colognes
Perfumes and colognes should be avoided whenever possible. Chemical compounds used in perfumes and colognes have the same chemical compound construction as particular pesticides and herbicides.
More info @ Soulcare Skincare
Heavy Metal Toxicity Symptoms
Heavy metals can cause ADHD, ADD, autism, depression, OCD, mood disorders, Alzheimer’s, focus, concentration and memory loss issues, and much more. They can also increase any viral or bacterial issues you may be battling. For example, heavy metals can serve as a feeding ground for Streptococcus A or B, E. coli, C. difficile, H. pylori, and yeast cells. This can create an overgrowth of multiple bacteria in our gut, resulting in a condition known as SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), which is characterized by bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation (or both), and can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
Foods to Avoid when you havea virus inside the body:
Eggs feed strep and should be avoided while you heal. Some people are wrongfully told to consume eggs when healing from SIBO, but this is damaging misinformation. Unfortunately, eggs will continue to feed the bacteria in your body. Someone suffering from cystitis might not feel any irritation when consuming eggs, but they are still feeding the problem and creating further problems for their health. From PCOS, to breast cancer, calcifications, nodules, tumors on the thyroid, and more, eggs can exacerbate many issues, and it is best to avoid them. You can read more about eggs in the book Life-Changing Foods.
Even if you are eating cage-free, natural eggs, these still act as food for pathogens. Viruses look for egg material in the body to feed on. They feed on the natural hormones that are in eggs, which act as a steroid for the virus. It does not matter what kind of eggs you get because unfortunately all eggs feed viruses.
Like eggs, dairy products feed strep as well. Avoid milk, cheese, butter, or ghee if you are battling any strain of strep. Try to stay away from Mielies as most of it is GMO, wheat, barley, rye, and canola oil. Choose organic produce when possible. If you eat animal products, stick to antibiotic-free, grass-fed meats and free-range chicken. @ Soulcare Food
What Are The Unforgiving Toxins that feed Viruses?
The key factors causing an endless amount of suffering and againg out livers today. The Unforgiving Toxins are DDT, Radiation, Herbicides, Pesticides, Fungicides, and Toxic Heavy Metals.
Healing Supplements
A sizable dose of vitamin C is a powerful weapon against streptococcus. Zinc sulfate is a critical strep-fighting supplement. More @ Supplements.
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