If we believe naïvely that everyone is looking out for our best interest, then the haters can cause harm to our soul and physical body in many ways. That doesn’t mean that all haters are hopeless. A miraculous event can change a person. There is always hope that a reversal can occur, where light and goodness can enter a person’s heart and awaken them.
Still, how much damage was caused along the way? How many people were emotionally harmed to get them to this awakening, and for how many years to come will those selfless individuals suffer for sacrificing their own well-being?
The True Cause of Autoimmune Diseases
If you have an illness that has been labeled as an autoimmune disease, your body truly is attacking something, but it is not attacking itself. Your body is working for you every single day. It works tirelessly for you and is doing the very best it can. When you are sick and have mysterious symptoms, such as fatigue, butterfly rashes, dizziness, tremors, vertigo, aches and pains, digestive trouble, weight loss, insomnia, weight gain, memory loss, numbness, tingling, blood sugar issues, brain fog, mood swings, night sweats, loss of appetite, and many others, it means there is an invader in your body. The same is true if you have lupus, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, Addison’s, Type 1 Diabetes, colitis, vitiligo, celiac, eczema, Graves’, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s, alopecia, or any other disease that is considered to be in the autoimmune category. There is a pathogen invader in your body that it’s working hard to attack and get rid of.
Modern medicine has yet to come to this conclusion about mysterious illnesses due to a few reasons. First of all, this theory about the body attacking itself has become law inside the minds of well-intentioned doctors and health professionals who are just doing their best to provide care for their patients. No one is willing to question it because they have come to believe it is the truth, even though there is no evidence backing it.
Many of the pathogens causing autoimmune labeled illnesses are yet to be discovered and classified; therefore, it would be quite impossible to detect. You can’t find something when you do not know what you are looking for. For example, medical communities believe there is only one Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)—the virus that causes mono—but in truth there are 61 strains of EBV that cause all kinds of different symptoms and illnesses. I revealed this truth in my book Medical Medium. You can read more about EBV and how it creates illnesses, including cancer, in the book Thyroid Healing.
Let's Look at the Corona Virus:
- The fact od the matter is illness starts in the liver!
Media, TV, Governments and Pharmaceuticals are programming people and instilling fear in people’s minds with the corona virus, to wear masks, gloves and use sanitisers so that they can have power over them to:
- Vaccinate the world
- Control people what to do
- Where to go
- Make money for their own agenda
- To make us believe the bodies are harmless against viruses
- That God has not created a human body that can vend of any viruses that wants to harm the body
- That man is more clever than God as man wants to sell drugs instead of organic nutrition. (God created the earth, plants, bacteria, viruses that are all in harmony with nature)
It’s like saying Satan and Hell exists and we should live with fear every day.
God is a God of Love and LOVE ONLY! We have to learn and understand that, but people, religion and governments wants to control people with fear so they can get people to do what they want them to do!
See the following movies for some guidance:
Liver's Immune System
The liver is such a complex and heroic organ, and it has an amazing feature—its very own personalized immune system—which helps fend off illness and protect your health. The liver actually has six unique immune functions with six different kinds of immune cells. This organ works incredibly hard to filter out bugs—viruses and bacteria—as well as toxic heavy metals, harmful chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. The liver’s immune system is on guard against anything harmful. It also helps process and handle the things we consume, such as fat, protein, pharmaceuticals and alcohol. Too much of any of these substances can weigh the liver down.
Fruit is Antiviral and Antibacterial
One of the biggest reasons fruit is so important to eat is because it stops pathogens in their tracks. So many people have viruses and bacteria that cause the mystery symptoms. Fruit not only prevents illness, it slows down aging, kills off pathogens, and heals our bodies on a cellular level. In short, fruit stops and prevents oxidation, which is the process that ages us. Additionally, fruit prevents toxic heavy metals, which almost all of have some of in our brains from oxidizing.
When toxic heavy metals oxidize, it creates a poisonous chemical pool that contaminates brain cells and lowers electrical impulse activity. This oxidation process can lead to many different neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s, ADHD, memory loss, parkinson’s, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more.
Our Cells Run on Sugar
Sugar, while it may sound like an enemy to avoid because of our conditioning, actually runs every single cell in our body, especially our brain. It’s just a matter of having the right kind of sugar that’s found in fresh fruits and high-carbohydrate vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squashes. You might have heard that the brain is made up mostly of fat. This is a trendy theory that is popular today, but also inaccurate. In truth, the brain is made of stored glycogen, which is primarily glucose.
To to keep yourself healthy eat Organic Fruits & Vegetables
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