Spasms are your muscles’ way of protecting you’re the injured area or the underlying structures, for example joints, ligaments, discs or nerves . Therefore, it is important to get a chronic spasm checked out by a medical professional to make sure that the spasm isn’t a symptom of something more serious.
Structures in your neck
Your neck joins your head to your body. Your neck muscles are responsible for moving your head to see and avoid obstacles in your way. Explaining causes of your neck spasm, requires a look at the different structures which make up your neck and their relationship to each other. These structures include neck joints, discs, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and muscles. You can get sore or stiff neck from damage to any of these structures.
Simple Steps To Heal Injuries
Warm and Cold Packs
The simple technique of placing hot and cold packs on injured and chronically inflamed areas is very effective, but often overlooked or ignored. To treat an injured area like your back or neck, place a warm pack against the area for 30 minutes in the morning to loosen the muscles. The over the day and evening, place a cold pack against the area for 30 minutes. Do this two times. The cold pack trains the nerves to calm down and reduce inflammation so they don’t get more inflamed, crack, and harden. It’s important to follow this schedule of warm and cold packs as closely as possible. It can make all the difference in your recovery.
Serious conditions that cause neck spasms
Ankylosing spondylitis: A type of arthritis that causes inflammation in your spine.
Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis): a neurological condition where neck spasms cause your head to turn in various directions without your control.
Cervical spondylosis: Arthritis in your neck.
Herniated disk: An injury that occurs when one of the disks between the bones in your spine shifts out of place or tears.
Meningitis: A serious infection that causes the protective tissue around your brain and spinal cord to become inflamed.
Osteoarthritis: The most common type of arthritis, which involves the breakdown of cartilage in your spinal joints.
Spinal stenosis: A narrowing of the spaces in your spinal canal.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders: A group of conditions that affect the joints and nearby muscles and ligaments in your jaw.
Trauma or injury: An injury or accident that damages the structures in your neck.
Whiplash: A common type of neck injury where sudden impact causes your neck to project forward and then snap backward.
Shingles Virus
Shingles is an illness that can produce fever, headaches, rashes, joint pain, muscle pain, neck pain, nerve pain, and other highly unpleasant symptoms. Typically, a shingles diagnosis is never made if no rash is present.
Resting The Nerves Healing Techniques
Resting The Nerves is a very powerful healing and centering technique that reboots the nervous system. Our brains are all susceptible to becoming weakened and neurologically sick. This approach is accessible to all of us when we need to give the brain and nervous system a quick restorative so we can be stronger for the day or night. You can try it anywhere: in an office chair; lying or sitting on the floor, bed, or couch at home; sitting at the kitchen table; parked in your car. The options are endless, as long as it’s a spot where you’ll be safe closing your eyes. That’s part of the power here—it’s so easy to do.
To get started, you’re going to stop whatever else you’re doing. Find a comfortable position. If you have a choice, opt for lying down. If not, sitting up works. Now close your eyes and keep them closed for 8 to 20 minutes. Ideally you’ll keep them closed for 12 to 15 minutes—that’s the most effective window. If you have less time, 8 minutes is okay, and if you have even less time, don’t not do it. Even 3 to 4 minutes is helpful. Any amount of time spent with this technique when you need a nerve recharge will serve you.
When you close your eyes and sit or lie back, you need to remind yourself why you’re doing it: to rest your nerves. In this moment you’re going to have thoughts, concerns, and even worries. Projects you’re working on and other reminders of your busy day are going to come to mind. At least, that’s how it is for most of us. This technique is not here to punish you for that. You’re not doing it wrong if you have a racing mind. The benefits of the exercise override any thoughts and stresses pounding through your head. That’s part of its power. As long as you know the purpose behind it, the second you shut your eyes and tell yourself that you’re restoring your nervous system, any thoughts and worries that arise hold no authority over your restorative experience.
Right when you first close your eyes, remind yourself that the purpose of this technique is to rest your nerves, restore your nerves, and give your nerves some healing time. Your nerves are strengthening every single second. One of the incredible benefits of this exercise is that when you do it for the first time and feel and see the difference it has made for you, that becomes a landmark that helps you find peace every time you choose to do the exercise. It’s so powerful that you’re going to remember what it has done for you. The technique gets even more helpful every time you do it because your brain learns the routine of this restorative exercise.
When your eyes are closed, your neurotransmitters will start strengthening. Your electrical impulses will start calming down. Your neurons will start resting from less activity. Even if you’re still thinking about your day as each moment passes, the emotional centers of your brain will cease to have full control over you. When your central nervous system knows you’re taking care of it and giving it what it needs right then, errant thoughts can’t interfere with your nerves strengthening minute by minute.
This technique is like a quick charge for your central nervous system. The nutrients from any healing foods you’ve eaten so far that day can be used that much more effectively while you rest your nerves. This technique also helps strengthen the immune system.
As the time you’ve set aside for yourself is coming to an end, try to get in touch with the fact that your brain and nerves have now strengthened. Resonate with the realization that they’re stronger than when you started and that each time you do this, it’s more effective.
If you’re dealing with any sort of neurological symptom or illness, including ME/ CFS, MS, seizures, weakness of the limbs, tingles and numbness, dizziness, vertigo, floaters in the eyes, tremors, aches, pains, ringing in the ears, headaches, migraines, jaw pain, neck pain, severe fatigue, inability to think, or brain fog, this is one of the most powerful healing techniques for you. You can use this technique throughout your day (throughout sleepless nights, even) and throughout your healing process.
Symptoms of inflamed cranial nerves vary depending on which cranial nerves are inflamed and where on the nerves. Some of the symptoms these underlying causes of cranial nerve inflammation can result in include, for starters:
- Tingles and numbness
- Aches and pains
- Stiffness
- Burning sensations in the tongue, gums, jaw, temples, back of the neck, between the eyes, back of the head, top of the head, chest, or stomach
- Blurred vision
- Trouble focusing the eyes
- Unusual movement of the eyeballs
- Visual disturbances
- Jaw pain
- Neck pain
- Head pain
- Migraines
- Vibrating sensations in the face
- Ear popping
- Body buzzing and humming
- Pulsating sensations in the head
- Burning hot feeling with no fever
- Balance issues
- Dizziness & vertigo
- Feelings of electrical shock to the head
- Loss of the ability to swallow
- Slurred speech
- Loss of hearing
- Drooping face
- Loss of movement of the face
- Feeling of a crooked jaw
- Pulling sensation in the face
- Twitching that’s erratic and shifts all around the head and face Nausea
- Teeth grinding
- Tooth and gum pain
- Difficulty chewing
- Loss of smell
- Loss of taste
- Mystery itches without rashes that don’t go away with scratching
Therapeutic Massage
The therapeutic kneading of muscles and soft tissues is a healing practice for your mind and body. While improving circulation and stimulating your lymphatic system for optimal detoxification, massage also reduces muscle tension and promotes a state of deep relaxation and a reduction in stress hormones. Regular therapeutic massage is therefore useful for detoxing your mind along with your physical body. Essential oils including peppermint, lemon and citrus can be added to your massage oils to enhance the experience.
Healing with Healer Omar Botha
Omar Botha is a psychic healer is a person who has learned to locate your blockages and energy disruptions and remove them. Psychic healers use psychic, intuitive abilities to locate, analyse, and treat not only the person but their energy field. Psychic healers will focus on spiritual healings which addresses everything in the esoteric world of energy healing.
Healing Consultations with Medical Intuitive Healer Omar Botha
- 15 min. Consultations R500
- 30 min. Consultations R1000
- 60 min. Healing session R2000
- International sessions available ($120)
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