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Many societies, especially those of the Americas and China, have a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically. A powerful compound with many uses, cayenne pepper is currently gaining buzz for cleansing and detoxifying regimes such as the Master Cleanse, which uses the spice to stimulate circulation and neutralize acidity....
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What Are Spirit Guides?
A spirit guide may have never taken corporeal form or a spirit guide was once a living, breathing human being who lived their life just as we do and upon death, crossed over to the other side. They have chosen to remain as spirit and assist those of us in the land of the living with the lessons we must learn during our lifetime...
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- Category: Homepage
Our Retreats offers a safe and relaxing environment for you to quiet your restless mind and let your soul find its voice. Our retreats are deeply transformative journey's, which incorporates guided meditation, healing, counselling and spiritual tools to support you to discover your essential Self....