Category: Sample Data

suicide Friendship is something that is wonderful, a faithful friend can help to bring you through many troubles in your life, that very love will guide you through dark clouds and also be with you in your times of happiness in your world.Your societies are unbalanced as they are – needing to be re-balanced by having once again a sense of what we would refer to as community love and awareness, a need to belong somewhere, for now it is that there are few who feel that there is anywhere that they really belong, having to move always from one place to another, always here and there and everywhere trying to get done in one day so much more than ever before.

This must change – for not even the birds and animals must do this and there of course is reason for that, for there comes always a time when a limit is imposed on every mind and body when no more can be done. This too must be classified as healing, for once you begin to impose these basic restrictions on your lives, you will begin to feel that you can make some changes that will be greatly beneficial to both you and all around you and your mind will be less cluttered, leaving space and time for other more rewarding things within your life.

When you die on earth, new beginning starts as spirit in the Spirit World. If you believe in a Loving God, then you cannot believe God seeds revenge. No ones that comment Suicide goes to a place to eternal separating. When you take your own life then your are taken to a "safe" place and the spirit is looked after for 12 earth years. God, is a passionate and ONLY a loving God.

Nothing the Almighty One has created can ever be sinfull. We are all created perfectly in God's "eyes". God has created spirit and the minute is leaves the body it will simply die. Spirit lives forever. God loves and protects every soul that is created by Him/Her, just like man will protect the child or loved one.
Only you can walk your own path - only you are equipped to walk it.

Suicide is NOT a sin!!!
Make a booking with Healer Omar to learn more about you or Gods path for you!