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All fillings contain some level of toxic materials. Most people need to get multiple fillings in their lifetime, so it's unavoidable that we have some toxic exposure from them.
If you get new cavities, select the safest filling option available—and make sure it doesn’t contain mercury. Porcelain/ceramic fillings are better than other filling choices. Anything is better than a filling that contains mercury.
Mercury Fillings
It’s common knowledge that mercury fillings are not ideal. But contrary to popular belief, the best answer isn't necessarily to have them removed by your dentist.
Firstly, unless a tooth with a mercury amalgam cracks, breaks or decays, it’s best to not remove your fillings. The mercury is contained and will be far less detrimental to your health if they’re left alone. If a filling is damaged by a tooth breaking or decaying, that’s when it is helpful to remove the amalgam.
If you are someone who already struggles with a host of health issues, such as memory loss, heart palpitations, brain fog, deficiencies, a heavy viral or toxic load, sensitive nervous system and many more, it’s particularly important to leave them where they are so the removal doesn’t trigger even more sickness. It’s tragic to see people, who were already experiencing health issues, remove all of their fillings at once and then experience a collapse of their health and wellbeing.
If you’re insistent that you want to remove your mercury amalgams or they’re broken and you have several of them, it’s important you do not remove them all at once. Instead, try to visit a well-equipped biological, holistic, or trusted conventional dentist and have them removed one at a time every month, every three months, or even every six months depending on your overall health.
As a filling is removed, mercury in the amalgam can vaporize, enter the bloodstream, and weaken the immune system. Spacing out the removal process of each amalgam allows the immune system to recover from the release of the mercury and helps minimize the impact on your health. This is especially important if you already struggle with neurological symptoms, sensitivities, or illness.
The removal of these fillings and the subsequent vaporized mercury act as a trigger, and when the immune system is in a weakened state, viral and bacterial infections such as Epstein-Barr virus and streptococcus can easily take root and grow stronger by feeding on the mercury released into the bloodstream. Many people suffer from neurological symptoms and conditions such as severe anxiety, depression, tingles, numbness, brain fog, memory loss, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, MS, ringing in the ears, vertigo, dizziness, fatigue, and many other mystery symptoms after having their fillings removed all at once because of this.
If you’ve already removed your fillings all at once, do not be disheartened. You can still recover. It’s time to dive into the heavy metal detox protocol...
What about silver fillings?
Many people have been exposed to mercury through metal amalgam dental fillings. Having them removed isn’t as easy a fix as it sounds. The extraction process can re-expose someone to the mercury the fillings contain, because removal emits mercury vapor that can easily enter the bloodstream. That’s why I recommend only having one silver filling removed per dentist’s visit, and that’s only if the silver filling is starting to fall apart or loosen or if there’s a problem with the tooth. Have you ever had a fluoride treatment? Even if not recently, have you had one at any point over the years, perhaps going back to childhood? The fluoride used for treatments is a byproduct of aluminum—a methyl-aluminum neurotoxin created from manufacturing aluminum.
Almost all of us have been exposed to it in one way or another, whether from fluoride treatments, toothpaste, or fluoridated tap water, and if we’ve had that exposure, it hasn’t left our bodies unless we’ve taken the proper steps to remove it. Speaking of tap water, town and city water supplies all have trace levels of toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, copper, aluminum, and even mercury that are deemed safe enough for consumption without true knowledge of what happens when those trace metals accumulate in our system over time. Even if you use water filtration at home, you’re exposed when eating out.
Healing Supplements
Spirulina is an incredible supplement that will help pull heavy metals like mercury out of the intestinal tract, while also remineralizing teeth and gums. It will not pull mercury out of any silver fillings you might have, it will only draw out the mercury that’s been creating havoc in your system for years. Sovereign silver helps fight against bacterial issues and is an overall excellent support for the gums and teeth. Check out Micro-C for a great source of vitamin C, which is incredible for both gums and teeth. If a dentist indicates you may have a low-grade infection, increasing the amount of Vitamin C you are taking can be very beneficial. Coenzyme Q10 and a probiotic are two other supportive supplements. A helpful herbal tea to try out is peppermint.
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Many people experience acid reflux or heartburn throughout their lives and don’t understand why they feel the burning sensation reach up through their chest and into their throat. Medical communities blame acid reflux on gastric acid and hydrochloric acid backing up into the esophagus. However, this theory of the cause is unfounded and limited. The digestive system is such a mystery that most of the time when physicians treat patients for illnesses, their practices are based solely on theory. In truth, even the understanding of how enzymes, assimilation, digestion, and absorption work is all just theoretical. While all these functions exist on some level, all research and science can do at the moment is conjecture theory as to what they do and how they cooperate with the digestive process. Nobody actually understands enzymes. Nobody actually understands what happens when food enters the stomach. For example, it is possible to experience pain from gas in the intestinal tract all the way near the neck and by the top of the shoulders, which can seem baffling because you may wonder how gas can travel to that area of the body (find out more about this in the book Medical Medium where ammonia permeability is discussed.) There is so much left for science and research to discover in the area of digestion, which is one reason there is so little helpful information on understanding and truly healing acid reflux once and for all.
What is Acid Reflux
Acid reflux, while it is in fact related to acids, is not due to gastric acids or hydrochloric acid from the stomach. If you or someone you know is experiencing acid reflux regularly, the acid is either coming from a bacteria or toxins in the liver and even the small intestinal tract, though the most common cause is bacterial. Medical communities have no idea that this is what is really behind this unpleasant condition. There are cases of acid reflux where there is an actual kink in the intestines or a hernia. However, if the cause is not a visible one, it is directly related to a weakened liver and bacterial growth. This bacteria produces an acid that mimics gastric acid and fools the physician into thinking that is what it is, when in fact it is not a stomach gland-produced acid at all.
When you have bacteria and toxin-based acid coming up and causing acid reflux or heartburn, it means you actually have a lack of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Hydrochloric acid is the good kind of acid that actually destroys bacteria, which in turn prevents acid reflux. In other words, if you have the bad acids, it means you do not have enough of the good acids.
Acid reflux is also connected to a weakened liver. Typically weak digestion is due to an overburdened liver that cannot produce strong enough bile, which then forces the stomach to overproduce hydrochloric acid to compensate. This is extremely taxing on both of the organs and can then result in acid reflux. Find out why the liver becomes overburdened and how to heal in the book, Liver Rescue. Bacteria builds up, sometimes in the duodenum or sometimes in the bottom of the stomach pouch, and there is not enough hydrochloric acid to fight it off. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach is actually a complex blend of seven different acids, which are yet to be discovered. Medical communities currently believe, mistakenly, that hydrochloric acid is just one acid. If someone has a diminished amount of three of the seven acids in hydrochloric acid, a doctor or health practitioner will not be able to spot the problem because the truth is unknown in medical science and research.
The Three Goals for Healing Acid Reflux
Healing acid reflux is not about taking a magic pill. Just as with the other conditions I have illuminated in my books, truly healing acid reflux takes a lifestyle shift in order to heal the true root issue. When healing acid reflux, there’s three goals: build up hydrochloric acid, kill off the unproductive bacteria like streptococcus, helicobacter pylori, or e. Coli, and strengthen the liver. As I will discuss below, all three of these things can be achieved with some dietary changes. There are some really helpful supplements to take, as well, that are powerful bacteria-fighters. However, the main shift will come with diet.
Foods to Avoid
The four most important foods to avoid when healing acid reflux are gluten, dairy, and eggs, and it can also be very helpful to lower or eliminate animal protein while you are healing. Gluten, dairy (milk, butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, milk kefir), and eggs are the favorite food source for bacteria and it will be very challenging to heal acid reflux if you are still eating them. If you hold the belief that yogurt or milk kefir heal the digestive tract because of their probiotic nature, it’s important to understand that the rest of what yogurt and milk kefir are made of still feed all unhelpful varieties of bacteria. Pathogens fuel themselves by eating, and if you remove gluten, dairy, and eggs from your own diet, you are removing the bacteria’s food and preventing it from festering. Even if you get the highest quality organic, free-range egg from a backyard hen, that egg will still feed the bacteria you are trying to fight off. It is unfortunate that so many people and well-intentioned practitioners still consider eggs as nature’s perfect food. They are in truth fueling the pathogens that medical communities are unaware are behind so much of chronic illness today.
Please don’t be confused, this is not a biased attack on eating animal protein, but it’s helpful to lower the amount of animal proteins you consume while healing because of their inherently high fat content. All animal meats are high in fat, even if it has no skin and is not fried. This may be surprising because you might have been told for so long that eating chicken breast without the skin or “lean” cuts of meat will help you lose weight due to it being made mostly of protein. However, that is simply not true. Fat is all throughout the chicken breast and other “lean” meats, even if you make it in the cleanest way possible. By lowering your fat content through reducing your animal protein, you will give your liver the break it deserves. Having to process a high-fat and high-protein diet all day is incredibly exhausting for the liver and forces the stomach to overproduce hydrochloric acid to compensate. This applies to any diet you follow and foods you consume, not just animal protein. If you’re eating a vegetarian or plant-based diet and are experiencing acid reflux, you’ll also want to lower your fat intake by reducing the amount of nuts, oils, and other high fat foods that you consume. Lowering your fat, no matter what diet you’re on, is an essential step when wanting to heal acid reflux.
What to Eat
When healing from acid reflux, focus on eating plenty of healthy carbohydrates from fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and winter squashes. You may have been told by professionals or family members or friends to avoid these foods, but fruits and potatoes are actually amazing disease fighters. Fruit is especially powerful in knocking down bacteria. If you’re concerned that fruit has too much sugar or you’re scared to eat it because you’ve been told it’s not good for you, I can’t stress enough how incorrect this myth is. Fruit sugar is not the same as processed sugars. It’s critical for your health and the health of your loved ones that you understand this. I know it can be hard to let go of what you may have been told before, but fruit has more to offer you and your health than you can possibly imagine.
It’s also helpful to consume plenty of salads with cucumbers and tomatoes. Tomatoes actually have their own special kind of vitamin C that can save someone’s immune system and give them extra support when fighting pathogens. Add spinach, mache, butter lettuce, or another leafy green of choice. Sprouts and microgreens are an especially amazing addition. Throw some raw onion and raw garlic into your salads for powerful bacterial-killers, and bring in as much fresh thyme, oregano, rosemary, and sage as you can for their incredible assistance in healing bacterial issues. If you enjoy avocado, you can add some slices of that too.
The most miraculous food to include when fighting acid reflux is celery juice, which you can learn more about and get the recipe for in Thyroid Healing. Drinking a 400ml glass of straight celery juice (don’t add anything else to it for best results) every morning on an empty stomach restores the glands in the stomach that produce the seven-blend hydrochloric acid. There are undiscovered subgroups of mineral salts in celery juice that contribute to this process and ensure the hydrochloric acid is produced. Even drinking four to eight ounces of celery juice every morning can do wonders in healing acid reflux and heartburn. If you are experiencing bad acid reflux, you can even do two 400ml glasses of straight celery juice a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon or before dinner.
Eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables will naturally support you in your fight against the bacteria causing acid reflux. In truth, fruit is the most amazing antibacterial and liver healing food available to us. However, there are additional things we can do to fight the pathogen, such as including the following supplements. Goldenseal, elderberry tea, cat’s claw, and oregano oil are all incredible antibacterials that can be included on a regular or semi-regular basis. You can also consider licorice root tincture or tea and olive leaf because these herbs fight bacteria and help eliminate the gas that the bacteria produces that medical communities are unaware of. Another wonderful antibacterial is aloe vera. You can make aloe vera water, which is the most powerful way to have aloe, or drink aloe vera juice, or you can even cut open an aloe vera leaf, scoop out the gel and eat that directly.
Additionally, considering adding herbal teas like fresh thyme tea, peppermint, elderflower, and lemon balm to your daily regimen. These herbal teas are powerful antibacterials and should not be underestimated. As always, please consult your practitioner before beginning a supplement protocol to discuss dosages. And when finding the right supplement, please visit my supplement website.
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You may have heard of the herpes virus, but did you know there are many viruses that fall within the herpes family, all of which have multiple undiscovered strains? Although medical research and medical science have uncovered a few of the varieties, like herpes simplex 1 and 2, there are hundreds of other virus strains that are either completely unknown or misunderstood, like in the case of the Shingles and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and new viruses and strains are continuing to develop. This article will not only discuss herpes family symptoms, but also dig into the facts surrounding both discovered and undiscovered herpes family viruses, and highlight steps you can take to fight back against these intruders.
Herpes Family Symptoms
There are hundreds of symptoms connected with various herpes family viruses. Below I address a few of the most prevalent symptoms.
Fatigue is often a symptom that stems from a herpes family virus. In some cases, fatigue can exclusively arise from adrenal fatigue, but in most cases people simultaneously experience herpes related neurological and adrenal fatigue.
If you have a herpes virus in your system as well as toxic heavy metals, you may experience migraines, depression, anxiety, brain fog and/or concentration issues. Thyroid nodules and cysts, glaucoma, bulging eyes, PCOS, unpleasant perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause symptoms, breast cancer, mystery infertility, high cholesterol, and/or hepatitis C may arise if you’re dealing with the herpes virus Epstein-Barr.
Certain eye issues, such as eye floaters, are caused by viruses in the herpes family. If you have a torn retina, then your eye floaters many not be a virus-related issue, but it is important to note that certain herpes viruses tend to weaken the retina over a period of time. Eye issues such as a stye can also stem from streptococcus, which is a cofactor of the herpes family.
The shingles virus, which falls within this family, has numerous strains that wreak havoc. Bell’s Palsy is just one of the many conditions that can emerge from a strain of the shingles. If you suffer from edema, or swelling in certain areas of the body including the hands and feet, you may have a herpes virus in your liver. You don’t need to have a rash to have shingles as there are many undiscovered non-rashing varieties that was brought to light in the book Medical Medium.
Medical research and science has not not discovered that other herpes family symptoms can include tightness in the chest, restless legs syndrome, aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain, headaches, restlessness, muscle weakness, twitches, spasms, tingles, numbness, heart palpitations, goiters, thyroiditis, vertigo, tinnitus, body temperature issues, Raynaud’s syndrome, MS, and sarcoidosis.
Many Undiscovered Herpes Family Viruses
All herpes family viruses are different shapes and sizes. Some viruses appear to have thorn-like edges, while others take a more wavy shape. They can appear as ovals or have leg-like protrusions. Although many of these viruses look completely different, each virus validates its connection to the herpes family. In this section you will learn more about some of the many varieties.
Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 & HSV-2)
These two widely known herpes viruses tend to grab people’s attention because of their external appearance on the mouth and private parts. The discovery of these viruses was largely due to the visible symptoms that accompany the virus. When these viruses emerge from dormancy and an outbreak occurs, tingles, numbness, and pain in the areas that have broken out, as well as moderate fatigue, may result.
Medical science and medical research have yet to discover that there are currently close to 10 varieties of HSV-1 and around 15 varieties of HSV-2. Fortunately, HSV-1 and HSV-2 only create mild harm in comparison to the pain and aggravation provoked by other herpes family viruses.
Mouth Varieties
There are around three dozen different mouth-related herpes varieties other than HSV-1 and HSV-2. Canker sores do not stem from HSV-1 or HSV-2, but are created by entirely separate herpes varieties. Canker sores can appear on the mouth, but may pop up on the tongue or gums as well. Red sores, which are a type of canker sore, can also appear around the mouth. Unfortunately, medical research and medical science have yet to reveal the herpes varieties that produce canker sores, and these strains remain unidentified.
Although medical communities discuss cytomegalovirus as if there is only one variety, there are actually 20 varieties causing various health issues. This frustrating virus can trigger mild to moderate fatigue and organ-related issues. Although it doesn’t give rise to symptoms such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, which I have associated with Epstein-Barr, it is able to release neurotoxins that can cause problems in places like the kidneys, heart, and liver.
This virus, which creates an abundance of symptoms including many of the issues mentioned above, was a miraculous, accidental discovery made in 1964. I have revealed that there are currently over 60 varieties wreaking havoc on people’s health. While some varieties are fairly docile, others can be severe and tremendously aggravating. Even children are starting to endure the effects of some of the more acute strains. It’s so critical to understand this virus and exactly how it works...
One surprising condition that can arise from some strains of the Epstein-Barr virus is breast cancer. Currently, women are getting tested for BRAC1 or BRAC2 gene mutation as an indicator of whether they will get breast cancer. This isn’t a helpful or accurate indicator as breast cancer is not a genetic issue. In fact, in over 50% of breast cancer cases, the person does not have the BRAC1 or BRAC2 gene.
It is tragic that medical communities haven’t yet discovered these truths about Epstein-Barr virus when this knowledge could transform the lives of those suffering. That’s why I am bringing this information to light and am so determined to get it into your hands.
HHV-6, discovered in 1986, can be an incredibly frustrating virus to deal with. Medical communities are still not aware of all the symptoms and conditions associated with HHV-6 and are blind to the fact that this virus now has over 20 strains and is continuing to grow.
HHV-6 tends to ruthlessly go after organs. It can cause major injuries and lead to death in certain cases. If you or a loved one suffers from mystery heart problems or mystery kidney disease, HHV-6 is a likely culprit. Yes, heart-related issues can arise if poor dietary choices have led to clogged arteries, but there are other problems, such as heart disease, that can surface if HHV-6 moves into this organ. If your doctor detects chronic inflammation inside the heart’s ventricles or valves, it may be a sign of HHV-6 in your system.
If you’ve been forced to go on dialysis due to kidney failure, you may have been incorrectly told that that you’re suffering from an autoimmune issue and that your body is attacking itself. This is incorrect. Your body never attacks itself! A more likely scenario is that HHV-6 is attacking the kidney and causing your kidney failure.
HHV-7 started out as a strain of HHV-6, but overtime transformed and grew into an entirely separate virus. Although this virus isn’t stirring up too many issues at the present time, it will likely cause a great deal of conditions and illnesses in the next twenty or thirty years. The reason HHV-7 has yet to start creating trouble is because it is currently in a period of rooting.
The Rooting Process
In the past, every virus that is now wreaking havoc had a moment in time where it rooted itself in its new environment. This rooting period can last for roughly 10 to 15 years. During this initial phase, the virus is ignorant to where it is and what is going on. As time passes the virus will grow stronger and angrier, provoked by poor food choices, prescription drug use, and other antagonizing behaviors. Eventually, the virus will erupt and begin to stir up chaos for the unsuspecting masses.
Each virus and its various strains have undergone this rooting process. Epstein-Barr, which is now creating chaos for so many individuals unknown to science and research it started rooting in the late 1800s. It will still be a couple decades before HHV-7 explodes on the scene, but when it does, it will be far more problematic than the Epstein-Barr virus.
Fortunately, if you begin to implement healing practices in your life today, you do not have to fret about the effects HHV-7 might have in the future. Build up your body with the right supplements and healing foods, work to eradicate harmful foods and toxins from your life, and know that if you do come up against HHV-7, you will be thoroughly prepared for battle.
HSV-8 & the Cancer Connection
This virus creates a sarcoma, but doesn’t cause any other notable issues. The reason HSV-8 may surprise you is because it points to the fact that certain cancers are related to the herpes family. If particular herpes viruses begin to feed off of heavy metals, chemical fallout, harmful foods, and/or pharmaceutical drugs, cancers may develop.
Like HHV-7, HHV-9 is beginning the rooting process as well. HSV-9 is an odd virus, but will most likely not be too troublesome. Numerous offshoots will spawn from this virus. We can expect to see more signs of the virus roughly 30 to 40 years from now.
People are walking around with HHV-10 in their systems, but it is not causing too many issues at present. As this virus nestles in the liver, it may produce a minimal amount of spirochete byproduct. You may have been led to believe spirochetes are bacteria, but this is incorrect. The misunderstanding of these viral casings just further highlight how far behind medical science and medical research are when it comes to chronic and mystery illness.
At one time the undiscovered HHV-11 was an Epstein-Barr strain, but it eventually broke off and became its own virus. It’s not presently rooting and is generally inactive. HHV-11 may draw attention to itself in the far distant future, but for now it is not one to be concerned with.
This offshoot of the shingles virus is starting to cause some moderate trouble on its own and will likely become a more visible nuisance two decades from now. It is already triggering rashes in some individuals and will continue to create more and more rashing symptoms in a larger population as a new shingles virus as times goes on.
Shingles, which falls within the herpes family, contains over thirty varieties, many of which are detailed in the “Shingles” chapter of the book, Medical Medium. The shingles fall within two categories— rashing and non-rashing. Various symptoms and conditions arise from the varieties within these categories including Bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ, burning mouth, burning tongue, vaginal burning, bursitis, blurry eyes, neck pain, frozen shoulder, and neuropathy.
Lyme Disease
Many people diagnosed with Lyme disease are suffering from 3, 4, 5 or more herpes viruses. These viruses can incorrectly trigger off certain labs and tests and leave people with inaccurate data and misinformed answers. The truth is, Lyme disease at its core is never bacterial or parasitical, it is always a viral issue. These viruses create the neurotoxins that trigger neurological issues that are associated with Lyme.
Healing Herbs & Supplements
You may be wondering how to arm yourself against all of these herpes viruses. One simple way to start is by bringing zinc into your daily health protocol. A rampant, global zinc deficiency is one of the reasons the herpes family exploded onto the scene and became the issue it is today. Zinc acts as a powerful weapon against the herpes family, so replenishing your zinc reserves with a high-quality zinc sulfate supplement can be an incredibly protective measure. A blood test does not account for the possibility of a zinc deficiency in places such as your ganglia, nervous system, and liver, so do not rely on a blood test to determine whether you have sufficient zinc reserves. Bring zinc into your life and work with a practitioner to figure out a dosage that is right for you.
L Lysine is another weapon that can help fight the herpes family. When it comes to battling a herpes virus, taking only 500 mg of lysine a day might not be sufficient. If you’re fighting off Epstein-Barr or another aggravating herpes variety, a fairly generous amount of lysine may be necessary. That being said, It is important to discuss the exact dosage you plan on taking with a practitioner so that you can best support your specific health issues. If you aren’t struggling with a herpes virus, but want to help shield yourself from picking up one of the hundreds of possible strains, taking a smaller dose of lysine can be a protective step.
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If you’ve looked into the trendy diets of today, you’ve probably come across at least one diet that focuses on getting enough protein and minimizing carbohydrates. The truth is that there are many high protein and low carbohydrate diets that have been trendy over the last few decades. Today’s ketogenic diet is just one of the latest iterations of the high protein, low carb diet trend that started in the 1970s. While some benefits can be gained from any diet that eliminates processed foods like candy, cake, cookies, and fried food, there is only so far a high protein, low carb diet can take you when it comes to healing your body. In truth, this way of eating is as misinformed—and nearly as harmful—as it was when it started decades ago. I know you might have read or heard that high protein and low carbohydrate diets are beneficial, but today I will share why they are problematic, especially for someone with a chronic health condition or symptom.
Following a keto diet is damaging for your body and brain whether you eat an animal-based keto diet or a plant-based keto diet. Some people experience temporary relief or weight loss on a keto diet, but it’s important to understand that these improvements are short-lived. Especially if you suffer from chronic illness, autoimmune disease, neurological conditions or mysterious symptoms, you’ll want to run the other way from anything close to the keto diet.
For a full understanding of what your body really needs for healing and long-term health, check out Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease.
Inherently Flawed
The entire premise of the keto diet is incorrect to begin with. The diet involves restricting carbohydrate intake while focusing on high protein and fat intake. The theory is that this way of eating causes your body to go into a metabolic state called ketosis, where you efficiently burn fat as an energy source for your body and brain.
The reality is, it’s not possible for your body to go into ketosis if you’re eating any amount or form of sugar whatsoever, including the natural sugars found in most foods. That means anyone eating even a tiny bit of nuts, seeds, avocado, cheese, butter, tomato, or green juices is taking in natural sugar. Unless someone is eating only bacon three times a day (in which case they’d feel terrible and cause even more damage for themselves down the road), they’re not entering ketosis.
The idea that your body can switch to burning fat as fuel is also flawed. We don’t run on fat. We run on glucose, which is sugar. If it were true that our bodies could flip from burning glucose for energy to burning fat for energy, as the keto diet suggests, then it would be impossible for someone who was overweight or obese to starve. If the ketosis theory is correct, you could take away an overweight person’s food completely and they’d continue to live for a long period of time, using their fat as energy. But that’s not how it works. Fat does not convert to usable material for our bodies.
Anyone of any weight can starve or be malnourished without the glucose and nutrition their body needs, that is, without the glucose and nutrients that are bountiful in carbohydrates such as fruits and starchy vegetables, and without the nutrients found in leafy greens and herbs. These are what I call the CCCs, which stands for Critical Clean Carbohydrates. I detail why these foods are necessary, helpful and healing in Liver Rescue and share how dozens of the foods in the CCC category bring healing to the body.
The Old Roots of High Protein, Low Carb Diets
To everyone’s detriment, the world has become anti-sugar and anti-carbohydrate. Shunning fruits and starchy vegetables is taking away people’s ability to heal. How did we get here? The answer requires a quick history lesson and an open mind. In the early 1930s, the meat packing industry and the government joined forces to promote protein. Around this time, instead of going to the farmer and the butcher shop for meat, animal products were becoming industrialized. They were made cheap and available in mass. They were promoted as critical. Monetary interests were put ahead of people’s health.
The idea that protein is more important than anything else was pushed by the partnership of industry and government. This belief was indoctrinated into the conventional medical model and taught in grammar schools. It got drilled into everyone’s thinking and consciousness (and has remained there in the decades since).
Before this colluding effort to push protein, health practitioners were not focused on protein and meat. Protein wasn’t the top choice to sustain people. Alternative practitioners and healers especially believed in fruits, leafy greens, vegetables, herbs, potatoes, nuts and seeds. And although they weren’t focused on protein, the reality is there’s some protein in everything you eat. It’s in spinach, it’s in berries, it’s in bananas. It’s everywhere. Nonetheless, the baseless but calculated decisions to promote heavy protein intake continue to influence and confuse our thinking today.
Taking Aim at Fats...and Missing
People who are in the health industry have always been in search of the best diet. In the 1970s, doctors were seeing the rise of heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, cholesterol and diabetes. People were cutting out fast food, processed food and greasy foods, yet they still were experiencing all kinds of symptoms and conditions. In the 70s, doctors and the medical system had correctly recognized that too much fat, too many animal products and too much red meat was contributing to disease.
All that fat intake leads to higher fat content in the blood, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Over time, diminished oxygen levels getting to the heart and brain contributes to problems like strokes and heart attacks. Too much fat in the bloodstream also triggers the adrenal glands to shoot off adrenaline as it tries to clean up your blood to protect you.
Unfortunately, the realization that fat was harmful to our health didn’t translate into an effective response. Instead, grocery shelves filled up with low-fat and fat-free products (which often contained unhealthy, processed ingredients or trans fats). People began eliminating fats that actually had healthy properties, such as coconut oil, avocado, nuts, seeds and olives. And on top of that, people continued to eat lots of animal protein. People didn’t realize that animal protein translates into animal fat, which means they were still eating high fat diets even if they thought they had a “lean cut.” They were still consuming way too much fat—and often even worse types of fat than before—on their low fat diets.
With this flawed approach, any progress that could have been made fell apart. Health professionals realized the low fat diet trend wasn’t working. Eventually, the only thing left to do (because protein remained untouchable due to the agenda and money behind it) was to go after carbohydrates. That was the birth of the keto diet.
Since then, it’s been one version after another of a trendy low carb, high protein diet. The same concept has been repackaged into different names over the decades with just a slight twist to market it as its own unique diet program. One thing that has altered slightly is today’s high protein diets have a little more carbohydrates. Modern versions allow in some leafy greens, a bit of avocado, or a few berries and nuts. That’s because the older versions that allowed none of these healing foods destroyed people’s health. Our bodies and brains need the nutrients, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that are packed into leafy greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, coconut water and raw honey. Sprinkling these healing foods into today’s high protein, low carb trends makes these diets a little less harmful.
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Streptococcus is a bacteria that grows stronger with each decade. It’s starting to become like a superbug in its strength and pervasiveness. There are hundreds of strep strains, some stronger than others, which can be passed between people and picked up in different environments.
The symptoms of strep are varied and numerous. They include sinus pain and congestion, otitis media, UTIs, intestinal disorders, SIBO, sore throats, styes, cystic acne, and more. Strep can cause a multitude of seemingly unrelated issues that all stem from one or more of the many strains. Headaches, fatigue, confusion, and low-grade fevers are some other side effects of strep in the body. The activity level of strep in the body ebbs and flows depending on the state of a person’s immune system and current life circumstances.
For most people, streptococcus first appears when they are young. It might be passed on from a mother, father, another child, or even a place, such as a public restroom. You might’ve been diagnosed with strep throat as a child, or experienced sore throats that were signs of often undiagnosed strep in the system. Strep in young children can also manifest as chronic ear infections and tonsilitis. While buzzing, ringing, popping in the ears or hearing loss are symptoms of Epstein-Barr virus, chronic ear infections typically indicate strep. It is also important to note that strep is a favored cofactor of Epstein-Barr.
For many people, strep has been with them for most of their lives, and as people age, it tends to grow stronger and wreak greater havoc in the body. In relationships, people share their bacteria, and it’s not uncommon for a person to pick up multiple strains of strep from different partners they are with. All of the strains are growing increasingly antibiotic resistant and if you think you have one or more strains of strep in your system, it’s very important you begin to implement the food and supplement protocol outlined below. Streptococcus is tricky to eliminate, but liberating yourself from this bacteria is possible.
Symptoms of Strep
Acne is often caused by streptococcus in the system. When it comes to acne, the strep resides in the lymphatic system. Some usual areas strep can be found include the cheeks, face, behind the ears, and around the neck. Someone who suffers from acne typically received multiple rounds of antibiotics as a child. It might take a bit of time for someone to fully heal from acne because any prior antibiotic use has ultimately played a role in strengthening the strep. Fortunately, by cleaning up the diet, adopting a proper supplementation protocol, and building up the immune system, you can free yourself from acne and the underlying strep. People who have battled with acne for fifteen, even twenty years, have been able to find freedom from it.
Cystitis is scar tissue on the bladder lining that stems from streptococcus being in the bladder for an extended period of time. Some people have had past UTIs signaling strep, while others never experience UTIs, but notice different problems that might indicate cystitis and the underlying strep strain. Once scar tissue forms on the bladder lining, inflammation and swelling might occur. This area can grow sensitive to certain foods you consume and the amount of uric acid in your system. A host of complications may arise that will only cease once the strep is destroyed. I’ve worked with women who have experienced such terrible cystitis they could no longer function and had lost their desire to live. But, these same women have found the real truth behind their cystitis and healed through adding in the correct foods and supplements, and trusting in the body’s inherent ability to heal.
SIBO stems from an overgrowth of strep in the gut. Doctors today might know you have a bacterial issue, but will not be able to tell you that SIBO indicates a system overrun with strep. Someone diagnosed with SIBO most likely has numerous other symptoms caused by strep. Similar to acne, SIBO can arise following the frequent use of antibiotics as a young child or in adulthood. Replacing the perpetual use of antibiotics, which are laced with virus and bacteria-feeding eggs and petroleum, with healing foods and supplements will actually serve to permanently destroy the strep strain. Antibiotics can be necessary and valuable in certain cases, for example a UTI that is severe and out of control. However, many times, antibiotics are overused or used for inappropriate reasons.
Strep can invade the colon and cause irritable bowel syndrome or trigger other intestinal conditions. Although colitis is a variety of the shingles virus, it can worsen when high levels of strep in the body cause inflammation. The aggravation of any chronic condition is compounded by the presence of strep in the system.
Many styes people develop are strep related. Some styes stem from viral issues, but not all styes are the same, and many correspond with strep in the body.
In 90% of cases involving pelvic inflammation, strep is the culprit. Another common condition, bacterial vaginosis, is connected to strep as well.
Any strep symptoms will most likely worsen during or around a woman’s menstrual cycle when her reproductive system needs additional energy or during ovulation when hormones are shifting. It’s not menstruation or the hormones themselves that cause the worsening of symptoms, but that underlying health issues like strep can take a stronger hold during this time. A severe UTI, an increase in acne, additional sinus issues, a flair up of endometriosis symptoms—all of these issues tend to grow worse during these particular time periods.
Streptococcus in Children
Parents are rarely given the information they need on how best to support their childrens’ health, primarily because there is so much misinformation competing for our attention today. Besides practicing the information found in my books, radio shows, and online content, finding a practitioner who supports what you are discovering here and can help you to navigate your child’s health issues is invaluable.
For children, it is critical to build up their immune systems with healing foods and appropriate amounts of supplements such as zinc sulfate, B-12 with adenosylcobalamin, vitamin C, and elderberry syrup. If you notice any strep symptoms, adding a little goldenseal to the child’s protocol can be highly beneficial. It’s important to stay on top of any signs of strep a child exhibits so proper supplementation can help support the child’s health and antibiotics may not have to be used as frequently.
Foods to Avoid
Eggs feed strep and should be avoided while you heal. Some people are wrongfully told to consume eggs when healing from SIBO, but this is damaging misinformation. Unfortunately, eggs will continue to feed the bacteria in your body. Someone suffering from cystitis might not feel any irritation when consuming eggs, but they are still feeding the problem and creating further problems for their health. From PCOS, to breast cancer, calcifications, nodules, tumors on the thyroid, and more, eggs can exacerbate many issues, and it is best to avoid them. You can read more about eggs in the book Life-Changing Foods.
Like eggs, dairy products feed strep as well. Avoid milk, cheese, butter, or ghee if you are battling any strain of strep. Try to stay away from corn, wheat, barley, rye, and canola oil. Do not be concerned about barley grass juice, this is different to the barley grain and doesn't contain gluten. It's an anti-strep food and exceptional to include for your health. When the grass is juiced, the change in structure contains a phytochemical that wards off strep.
Healing Foods
As you begin to clean out the strep in your system, building up the immune system is a critical piece. Your SIBO, cystitis and all the other symptoms related to strep can permanently go away, but this healing can only begin once you add in the correct foods and supplements. When you’re fighting strep, adopting a plant-based diet for a period of time can be very beneficial.
The antibacterial and antiviral properties found in bananas are incredible for collecting strep and pulling it out of the system. Bananas are especially good for someone with SIBO. Berries are great for defeating strep anywhere in the body system. Spinach, especially for acne sufferers, is a wonderful addition to one’s diet. Onion helps fight strep in the bladder, reproductive system, intestinal tract, colon, and can also help in healing styes. Juicing turmeric with cucumber or celery creates a very healing drink. Celery juice is another powerful drink that instantly starts eradicating strep. Cayenne pepper can be great, but be careful not to overdo it if you’re sensitive. Raw honey contains phytochemicals that destroy all the different strep bacterias. Arugula, ginger, garlic, winter squash, sweet potatoes, kale, and the meat and water of coconuts are all supportive foods to incorporate. Including fresh oregano and other herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage is very healing as well.
Healing Supplements
A sizable dose of vitamin C is a powerful weapon against streptococcus. Zinc sulfate is a critical strep-fighting supplement. One reason strep has become so rampant is because most people suffer from a zinc deficiency, and it is therefore critical to replenish your body with this vital mineral. Oregano oil capsules are great for fighting strep, especially SIBO and acne symptoms. Cat’s claw, lemon balm, goldenseal, and monolaurin from coconut are four other very helpful supplements that you can purchase from HERE!
Moving Forward
If doctors tell patients cystic acne is just hormonal pimples, then people will remain sick and grossly misinformed. If people continue to believe the faulty idea that sinus infections are attributable to pollen in the air, people will remain unwell. If people just assume vaginal discharge is yeast, and are not correctly informed that it’s a strain of strep, people will continue to suffer. Together we must clear up the misinformation and spread the truths that will bring genuine healing.
Healing foods and supplements can overcome even the most powerful strains of strep in today’s world and with time, patience, and determination, you can defeat strep and experience the freedom of vibrant health.
Book a Healing Session or Healing Retreat with Medical Intuitive Healer Omar Botha!