Meditation is the key to all wisdom, knowledge, and truth that you are seeking. When you meditate, you settle into the all that is. You connect up with Source (God, the Universe, Spirit—whatever you most resonate with), and every time you meditate, you are healed on some level.
It is naïve and silly to claim that if I were to steal all profits made at a cancer charity tomorrow, that somehow the universe or God will find a way to reprimand me. Moreover, were I to donate a sum of ten thousand dollars to the same cancer charity tomorrow, I wouldn’t have some kind of extra special credit with God- that’s just not how life works.
More than that- this quasi-meritocratic belief implies that people hit with the most tragic circumstances say someone after living for fifty years with no qualms suddenly gets hit with a divorce and loses all of their life savings, deserve what happens to them.
That’s insulting. That’s idealistic. That’s rubbish.
"The believes about karma?
Cause and effect. Whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap. For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There are a lot ways to describe karma, but it is essentially the belief that your present circumstances are the product of previous actions, and what you do today will affect what happens tomorrow. Karma is also associated with past lives -- each time you're reborn, the energies from your previous lives influence the conditions of your current life."
Karma does not exist.
When you know right from wrong you punish yourself for what you have done in life. God does not punish you. You punish yourself
If you do not know right from wrong you can not punish yourself in life.
Psychopaths - Are some-one with no cense of guilt. It is the way and circumstances in that they have been brought up
Karma is a concept of religion and is based on reincarnation for there is says you come back time in time again to become perfect. Learn about the mistakes you have made in a past life. On earth no-one can be perfect or become perfect.
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