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Massage affects the muscles throughout the body. Massage affects the muscles and other soft tissues throughout the body. It loosens contracted, shortened, hardened muscles. Massage can stimulate weak, flaccid muscles. Chronic muscle tension reduces the circulation of the blood and movement of lymph in an area.
Massage Improves Blood Circulation. The oxygen capacity of the blood can increase 10-15% after massage. By indirectly or directly stimulating nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels of these organs dilate and allow greater blood supply to them.

Massage Induces Better Lymph Movement. Lymph is a milky white fluid that drains impurities and waste away from the tissue cells. A component of these wastes is toxins which are the by-products of metabolism. So, it is a vital to our health. Muscular contraction has a pumping effect that moves lymph. Massage and exercise help to move lymph.

Massage Results In Increased Mobility and Range of Motion of Joints. Massage provides a gentle stretching action to both the muscles and connective tissues that surround and support the muscles and many other parts of the body, which helps keep these tissues elastic.
Massage Stimulates or Soothes Nervous System. Massage balances the nervous system by soothing or stimulating it, depending on which effect is needed by the individual at the time of the massage.

Massage Enhances Skin Condition. Massage enhances the skin condition by improving the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which keep the skin lubricated, clean, and cool.

Massage Results in Better Digestion and Intestinal Function. Massage increases the body's secretions and excretions. It increases the production of gastric juices, saliva, and urine. There is also an increased excretion of nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, and salt. As a result, the metabolic rate increases.
Massage Relieves of Acute and Chronic pain. Massage can promote recovery from the fatigue and from minor aches and pains


  • Skeletal System

Muscular and tendon tension is reduced, the flow of nutrients to bones is increased and the elimination of waste matter is promoted. Tension is reduced from certain joints which increases flexibility.

  • Muscular System

When muscles become overloaded with toxic waste products such as uric and lactic acids, fatigue and eventually pain occurs. This reaction is common after injury, over-exertion and performance. Massage is also used to maintain the stretch, mobility and tone of the muscles and muscle fibers. Massage is also used to maintain the stretch, mobility and tone of the muscles, keeping the body young and pliable.

  • Nervous System

Sensitivity in the nerve endings is heightened: allowing the individual to "float off" and let go that nervous tension. Massage on the back relaxes the spinal nerves which govern the body.

  • Vascular System

Massage reduces the strain of the heart and increases the return of blood through the veins to the heart; thus allowing new blood to be pumped through arteries and capillaries. Lymphatic fluid is moved more efficiently through the body and the drainage of toxins is improved- which assist the body in fighting off toxins. Edema is reduced as fluid is moved and brought into nutritional absorption, because fresh nutrients are allowed to enter the system at a faster rate. Metabolism and organ function improves. In some case, blood pressure can be effectively reduced. Anemia may be alleviated through massage as the red blood cells become unstuck from the walls of vessels.

  • Respiratory system

The lungs benefit from massage as mucus and secretions are dislodged, dispersed and eliminated The blood becomes oxygenated from the increase in circulation. Together with the oils breathing patterns are improved.
Digestive System
Massage stimulates the action of peristalsis, which moves material through the intestines and bowels. a spastic colon is relieved. Excretion of inorganic minerals and salts via the kidneys is facilitated and urine flow increased; this helps to clean the blood and tone the system.>

  • Lymphatic system

The flow of lymph is increased with massage. The function of the lymph is to supply the parts of the body not reached by blood, carry nourishment from the blood to the body cells and remove waste material from the body cells, carry on a constant interchange with the blood and assist in eliminating poisons with the help of the lymphocytes.

  • Polarity Balancing

When the vital energy current is not flowing correctly, it can cause illness and disease in the body, it is the science of balancing the bodies own life currents. Polarity therapy helps to unblock these currents allowing the energy force to flow smoothly again, this is an essential part at completion of the massage, and helps to create a harmonious energy flow between me and my client.

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